
Debate Info

Nobody Trump
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Nobody (1)
 Trump (5)

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excon(18262) pic

USDA is closed. Who is gonna keep our food safe?


Side Score: 1


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1 point

USDA Says Food Stamps Will Be Funded Through February Amid Government Shutdown

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue is asking states to issue the February benefits on or before Jan. 20 so that they can be paid to the nearly 40 million Americans in the program. SNAP is already fully funded for January.

Think of how bad it will look for libs to let people "go without" to defend against a barrier they are on video supporting.

Side: Trump
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

USDA Says Food Stamps Will Be Funded Through February Amid Government Shutdown

Hello bront:


Food stamps don't have anything to do with keeping our food safe.. Maybe you DON'T know that some low paid bureaucrat with the USDA INSPECTS your food to keep it safe..

But, NOT today.. Eat CANNED goods.


Side: Nobody
Kace(16) Disputed
1 point

Maybe you DON'T know that some low paid bureaucrat with the USDA INSPECTS your food to keep it safe..

If they aren't paid well, how do we know the are compitent?

Side: Trump
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Food stamps don't have anything to do with keeping our food safe.. Maybe you DON'T know that some low paid bureaucrat with the USDA INSPECTS your food to keep it safe..

But, NOT today.. Eat CANNED goods.

I have a small indoor garden Con. I'll eat. I also have apocalypse backups from MyPatriotSupply and Survival Frog.

Leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach and kale grow pretty well inside. They're relatively low-maintenance and do well in partial shade. Other easy plants to grow include many herbs like oregano, parsley and basil.

What will you eat?

Side: Trump
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Stop crying SUPER STUPID because i am going to make a fool of you because your STUPID ASS is to easy to exploit !

SUPER STUPID is the USDA referred to as the United States Department of Agriculture?

Now let's have fun with you BOY !!!!!!!!!! lettuce-e-coli-outbreak-n939026

California may be the source of romaine lettuce blamed in an outbreak of E. coli infections that has made 32 people sick in 11 states and Canada, the head of the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday.

The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have cautioned people not to eat romaine lettuce while they investigate the outbreak. It’s very similar to an outbreak of E. coli that killed one person and made at least 25 people ill last year, FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said. That outbreak was traced to leafy green vegetables but not to romaine lettuce specifically.

Your USDA must have had nothing to do with lettuce but the FDA and CDC did so why don't rely on the FDA and CDC since your Loved USDA is closed ????????

Side: Trump
1 point

SUPER STUPID you Leftist just live in a small bubble and that is the only world you know.

Do i need the USDA , FDA or the CDC to butcher my own cattle or the wild game i kill ?

How about this do i need the USDA , FDA or the CDC when i put fresh fish fillets in the freezer ?

Your blind to what takes place IN America and you are STUPID by your own admission.

You type it each and everyday because you are a LAP DOG for the party and without government you cannot function each day !

Side: Trump