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Debate Score:40
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FUNMUN(127) pic

Voter id?

DO you guys think in order to vote in american elections that you should have to have a voter id card?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 23
2 points

If requiring an ID to vote is unreasonable, or, as many have claimed, "racist" or "unfair", then the following are also "racist" and "unfair": Purchasing alcohol and cigarettes, opening a bank account, applying for a job, applying for Government handouts (food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, etc.), purchasing or renting a home, marrying, purchasing a hotel room, purchasing a firearm, not to mention a fishing or hunting licence, adopting a pet, purchasing a prescription, donating blood, entering a casino, purchasing lottery tickets, watching "Mature" rated movies at a cinema, and purchasing a cellphone (and the accompanying plan).

Each of these relatively mundane activities (well, for the most-part) require some form of identification, yet the one activity all adult citizens can engage in that's capable of altering the fundamental welfare of our nation does not.

This can (and has) lead to serious voting fraud; namely the same person voting multiple times at different voting stations. By no stretch of the imagination is this acceptable (unless you're a certain power-hungry politician who stands to gain from this violation), and, in my opinion, at least some measures should be taken to remedy this ridiculous issue.

Side: Yes
ironskillet(220) Clarified
1 point

Who are these people claiming that requiring voter ID is racist and unfair?

Side: Yes
LichPotato(362) Clarified
1 point

I can't provide the names of specific persons; all I know is that many on the political Left are claiming the aforementioned (that requiring voter ID is racist and unfair). A quick Google search brings up many news articles arguing that exact point, which are immediately noticeable as Leftist (given their terminology).

Side: Yes

Okay I have to ask because I cant even imagine how an illegal immigrant, let alone a legal immigrant can vote so... how does the US election system work? You just show up?

Side: Yes
-Yuri-(284) Disputed
1 point

Your talking about presidential also since you are let me inform you your vote does no matter in the slightest the electoral college vote is what matters our vote just becomes a percentage that they can easily wave of. if popular vote won there would be no president o.o

Side: No
1 point

You didnt answer my question, plus Im danish so I dont vote for US elections

Side: Yes
LichPotato(362) Disputed
1 point

The Electoral College doesn't make the individual's vote irrelevant or obsolete; it just provides the smaller States with disproportionate voting power. If the winner of the popular vote won, we'd never have a Republican President.

Side: Yes
FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

In order to vote in American presidential elections you first have to register yourself for voting. In order to be able to vote you must be 18, a united states citizen, and meet your state's residency requirements. Requirements depend on the state. Now to answer your question... a legal immigrant can vote just like any normal american citizen once they are given citizenship, but and illegal immigrant is not supposed to be able to vote at all, but there are some ways around that. An illegal immigrant can vote by having residency in the state, by proving that they live within the state, or some states that require an id to vote you can create a fake id. Also, this happened once, but 800 illegal immigrants who were supposed to be deported to where they came from were once accidentally given citizenship, which technically makes them legal, but just saying that's how some of them can vote. Some links to help you further: 19/more-than-800-immigrants-mistakenly-granted-citizenship.html

Side: Yes
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Thanks for the clarification. In Denmark you get a voting document sent by mail, and only eligible voters get these documents. You don't register for voting, you are registered by simply being a citizen.

Side: Yes
1 point

I am all for people proving their identity, but unreasonable laws just won't do.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Is it an unreasonable law when you are asked to produce an ID when asked by an officer of the law ?

Side: No
Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I never said it was....................................................................

Side: Yes
1 point

You live in the United States you must have identification to prove who you are.

The Progressive / Left are the ones who are racist because they believe the black voter is not smart enough to get an ID !

Side: Yes

Proving who you are only makes sense, unless you're a liberal.


Side: Yes
1 point

American politics is already riggable and predictable due to having to register as a party supporter in order to gain the right to vote. If you had to get ID cards on top of this it would be even easier to predict and pander to the demographics that one is already gaining most support from to seal the deal.

Side: No
1 point

Also if you look at the order of cards and then look at the order of ballot papers, you can backtrack who voted what.

Side: No