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Debate Score:28
Total Votes:31
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 WHO ARE YOU? (17)

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RandomDude(1286) pic


I ask who you are many times but peoplke get all pissed off and stuff and say i shount ask that

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Srom(12120) Banned
5 points

Yeah and when you don't tell him he will say his famous quote "your going to hell" and then bans people from debates like me because he doesn't want to deal with them!

Deal with it!

RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

tell lies can get yuo a one way ticket to hell

Somewhat(67) Disputed Banned
1 point

I disagree. If there was a train to get to Hell, no-one would even sit on the platform let alone board.

Secondly, sometimes a lie is a good thing. If your Great Aunt Marjory asks you if think that she looks pretty in the dress she is wearing, it is best to say yes so that you still get birthday pre- I mean, so that she doesn't get offended.

If it looks really bad, you could always tell her that you think another dress looks prettier.

Srom(12120) Disputed Banned
1 point

I am not telling other people lies you do say that everytime when I do something wrong as well as others you say your going to hell.

1 point

Hahahaha .

RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

who are you?

2 points

Who are you! ?

Hellno(17724) Banned
3 points

I can answer that... he's just an asshole jackoff who is only on here to act a fool and piss people off.

3 points

Yeah, he's a pain in the ass .

Srom(12120) Banned
3 points

Couldn't agree more on that one!

RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

goodbye loser.............................................................................

Somewhat(67) Banned
1 point

I am a schoolgirl in England who likes to articulate. If I say something offensive, please tell me and I will either apologise or politely explain.

I try not to get on people's bad sides.

Especially not on the internet.

For all I know, they might be standing right behind me...

Everyone is like being spammed banned here

1 point

I AM I .