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Debate Score:29
Total Votes:31
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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Was it inappropriate for Lady Gaga to perform in a wheelchair on stage?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 23
4 points

Honestly, who of any level of taste gives a shit about this silly women.

Side: No

Lady Gaga is a performer, and performers are artists, there is no pun intended. Those who are offended should really relax.

Side: No
2 points

I can't stand Gaga.......I refuse to call her a lady.

You say they are artists..........? So anything they do is ok and in good taste? That is the excuse they use for what they say and do. I don't buy it.

Side: No
Skaruts(195) Disputed
1 point

Aren't you on the wrong side of the debate?

Side: yes
2 points

I love Lady Gaga, which is odd considering my liking her labels my music taste 'bad' on a broad spectrum. I just thoroughly appreciate this kind of song writing, I love the 80's and it's a modern flashback of the talent that existed then.

Anyway, performing in a wheelchair isn't inappropriate. It's about as inappropriate as the intentionally obese person claiming a mobility scooter.

Side: No
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

I lived through the 80's and no one did what she did in the way she did. Cher......had class as did Stevie Nicks, Olivia Newton John, Pat Benetar, ABBA, ....even Blondie didn't do what Gaga did. The closest to her probably was Madonna who also was a narcissist and did whatever she wanted to fill her wallet.

Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Springsteen, Lionel Richie, none acted like GAGA.

So since you defend GAGAs freedom of expression do you also defend say a comics racist jokes...or any comentator on television for that matter. Look at what happened to Michael Richards who played Kramer on Seinfield. His racist remarks were said during a comedy act. He certainly did not deserve what he got.

Dr. Laura was bashed because she used the N word. She did it to make a philosophical point point during one of her shows. Blacks can use it all they want in music and movies...but when whites use it, its different.

In fact your country is so uppity that you even banned Michael Savage from ever coming into it. You have allow Muslim terrorists access to your country...and you kick him out because of what he said. LOL

Now you know I love Britian...but this behavior from your government is....well....outrageous that they would do this. Don't you have free speech?

Side: yes
catticus90(360) Disputed
1 point

All this nonsensical rambling because I said I like Lady Gaga and her song writing ability...

I lived through the 80's and no one did what she did in the way she did. Cher......had class as did Stevie Nicks, Olivia Newton John, Pat Benetar, ABBA, ....even Blondie didn't do what Gaga did. The closest to her probably was Madonna who also was a narcissist and did whatever she wanted to fill her wallet.

Cher went round on stage with a leather thong up her ass and her nipples hanging out. Classy.

Firstly I clearly compared her song writing to the 80's not her personality. Secondly I can give you a rather large list of controversial 80's stars who sang about sex, drugs and violence. You listed Madonna. There's Prince, The Sex Pistols. The vapour who actually sang a song about masturbation (I think I'm turning Japanese). I do Believe darling Nikki by Prince was about masturbation too. The 80's were in no way innocent.

Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Springsteen, Lionel Richie, none acted like GAGA.

I'm just going to throw this out there. Maybe that's because they're all men?!

So since you defend GAGAs freedom of expression do you also defend say a comics racist jokes...or any comentator on television for that matter. Look at what happened to Michael Richards who played Kramer on Seinfield. His racist remarks were said during a comedy act. He certainly did not deserve what he got.

What? Your logic never ceases to amaze me. You need to learn when to switch your brain off instead of typing every thought that comes to mind until you go so off topic you have everyone confused.

Sitting in a wheelchair is no reflection to discrimination. She didn't shout 'hey I'm a retard!'. I sat in a wheelchair once because I got fed up of the lack of seating in A and E am I discriminating? Why are you even arguing this? You said it wasn't inappropriate yourself. Argh! Why aren't you having this weird conversation with yourself?

In fact your country is so uppity that you even banned Michael Savage from ever coming into it. You have allow Muslim terrorists access to your country...and you kick him out because of what he said. LOL

So you've managed to go from Lady Gaga to insulting my country because I like Lady Gaga's music? I don't know who the fuck Michael Savage is...nor do I care at all. Your country allowed terrorists in too, in fact most countries have, by accident. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I'M DISPUTING OR ANSWERING THIS IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LADY GAGA OR MY STATEMENT.

Now you know I love Britian...but this behavior from your government is....well....outrageous that they would do this. Don't you have free speech?

No one has entire free speech. If you went out and started yelling 'all blacks must die' repeatedly, you'd be arrested.

Side: No
2 points

What I find funny is that the guy who finds it offensive runs the group "life rolls on". Way to make a pun about your condition, assclown.

Lady Gaga is a shock-artist. I highly respect her because she reminds me of Marilyn Manson, and she likes to be weird. I like to be weird (and I'm a bit kinky).

So if a quadriplegic is gonna bitch, he can attempt to fuck himself.

Side: No

Many performers are in wheelchairs by script, are they bashed as inappropriate? No, they are not. I am not a fan though I read an article about this and I found it absolutely ludicrous; For one she was mermaid leggings in part of some persona she was aiming to get at. Do people ACTUALLY think that she could walk around with such a thing on? Do they expect her to wriggle around and sing like a worm? Also she is a performer as I stated before, these things happen, have happened, and will continue to happen. It is nothing extraordinarily inappropriate, or extraordinarily interesting.

Side: No
1 point

She hasn't spoken ill. She hasn't mocked them. In fact it could be in a motivational spirit.

Side: No
1 point

Lady Gaga is a performer and that is what they do they capture the attention of their audience with what they bring to the stage. This should not offend anyone. If people weren't offended when she dressed herself in meat, or when she touches herself then this should not offend anyone either. I don't think she did it maliciously, she was performing and thats all.

Side: No
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

Sunset some could say shitting and pissing on a stage could be art....but is it art? Does it make a point other than the person doing is is classless?

Stars do outrageous things because they have to do things that get them noticed. Its about having talent to get noticed, not the art of singing. Starts crave attention. It has nothing to do with talent. Gaga is a narcissist.....she will do anything to get attention.

Side: yes
Sunset(2024) Disputed
1 point

she may be a narcissist, classless, tasteless, down right nasty but was she performing yes she was. I know no where did I mention that she was good or even that she can sing. The point is that people pay to see her do this so wouldn't they be just as bad for supporting it? Thats all they do is get attention through whatever method works and this works for her. I said that before.

Side: No