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 We need more woman in power! (12)

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Countrygirl4(148) pic

We need more woman in power!

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Absolutely! Perhaps 2016 will be the year that a woman will be elected President.

1 point

Yeah. Go Carly Fiorina.

pirateelfdog(2655) Clarified
1 point

If we want to invade every country in Europe.

It would be cool to have a woman for president. It would be a great change.

1 point

There are plenty of woman in power. From my experience, woman go on retarded power trips on men. Especially in the work place. For instance, I was fired because I looked at a girl. They called it sexual harassment. They need no more power than they already have.

1 point

Wait, so your argument is that because you once had a female manager that abused power, that meant that all women are capable of "retarded power trips" (ridiculous, immature and offensive word to use, by the way) and have enough power?


Aspire(62) Disputed
1 point

Wait, so your argument is that because you once had a female manager that abused power, that meant that all women are capable of "retarded power trips"

Yup, all women are capable of power trips.

(ridiculous, immature and offensive word to use, by the way)

That's a matter of opinion and context of the statement made.

Considering it was not about a individual and it meant that the power trip is limited in intellectual progress I'd say I used a very colourful word which comes with an extended vocabulary. It makes me all gay inside when you politically correct hardliners tell me what words are acceptable to say... they're just words, get over it. Now excuse me while I light up my fag.

and have enough power?

yup, hate me as you will. I think men have to much power as well. Sue me. or is that not a problem because i'm now referring to a man?




just to put this in to you ur picture is like the weirdest by far i have seen. like i said i am just putting that in.

Aspire(62) Clarified
1 point

it's a default picture. I don't need another one.

1 point

Woman is singular, women is plural and we don't need any in power.

This is sexist because what you are saying is that if more men want to be in power we should directly prevent some to open it up and make it easier for women to enter.

Affirmative action is only justified if genuine bias can be proven to exist and this is sexual not racial so it's not even affirmative action.

1 point

We need to have women in power to ensure a gender balance in our society. Women may be equally skilled as men but in today's society, many still believe men are better so more men than women are in power. If we put women in power , our society may be better as women may be better in power than men

1 point

We also need to implant wombs in men and make the men have the babies ... then we can say the woman got even and they can quit fighting with men Untill men are forced to go into labor or have C-sections, they have an unfair advantage and should be treated like the dirt they are. Also, men should do all the cooking and cleaning while the women do all the warring and policing that men are doing now. Also, the Justice of the Peace should say "I now pronounce you woman and servant" instead of "husband and wife" That way everybody knows who really wears the pants.