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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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Were humans created by aliens?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 5
1 point

From a Creationism stand point yeah because God is not from earth thus making him an extraterrestrial.

Side: Yes
1 point

Makes more sense then any biblical version of creation if you ask me, the ancient Sumerian's talked about how we humans were created from beings from the planet Nibiru though a process that we today would call genetic engineering to be there slaves to mine gold and other resources for them.

Side: Yes
1 point

Who the hell knows? There are so many theories for creationism and I'll go with yes because like all of them there is a possibility that it is true we just got find out and I'm sure we will one day.

Side: Yes
1 point

There are many strange things about how we came to be that's for sure, one is how we humans evolved so dam fast as compared to other species here on earth, another is we still to my knowledge can't seem to find the so called missing link, the link to show how we evolved from X to Y like we find all over the world with other spices, its almost like we came out of no where, like one day we were "ape men" then over night poof "humans".

Also our DNA looks almost tamped with more so then any other species on earth, it's not far fetched to think we where indeed created by extraterrestrial being seeing as we are already creating species of our own, we have sheep that are part spider, "spider-sheep", we also clone everything from organs to human ears on the backs of hairless mice, so to think that we couldn't of been created by some supper advanced extraterrestrial race that's capable of interstellar space travel is short sighted, very short sighted if you ask me.

Side: Yes
1 point

Maybe there was an extra terrestrial origin, like in star trek, where an ancient alien species spread microbes with their genes in across part of the galaxy to create a legacy of their existence after they had gone. )

Who knows?

Ahh, that is so nerdy...

Side: Yes
1 point

The possibilities are endless, yes I watched every single episode of Star Trek on Netflix, lol took me 2 years, am glad I did, that show opened up my eyes to so many things and changed how I view everything, one could say Star Trek made me the person I am today in terms of thinking outside the box and in search of constant answers to the unknown.

Side: Yes
1 point

I love the way star trek has brought in so many cultural, philosophical and ethical aspects, and being a space travel type sci-fi it has a pretty much unlimited variation of setting. It's really well done as a series, and the new movies are going to find it hard to live up to. I pretty much grew up watching star trek. :)

Side: Yes

XD I like this one. When it takes off I feel like it's going to be big. Technically we were created by biological objects not of our original planet, making our creators technically alien. But with Alien meaning foreign, it has to be relative to something. Earth was non existent before whatever, was foreign to us at the time, hit it. But when it did hit it, it became non foreign since there was nothing else to be foreign to it.

Scientologists believe we were though.

Side: No

I wanna say yes because I'm an astronomer but since I'm a well balanced astronomer I'd say no. According to science and the history of the cosmos. Earth was just a rock with nothing on it. Then a huge meteor hit it and took a nice chuck of a the gravity causes the formation of the moon. Then multiple meteors hit that brough different elements such as oxygen and helium or you know nitrogen. Stuff like that. Well some scientists say that either multiple elements came together and with a right mixture you have life or that another planet or something had microscopic life also formed from different elements hit earth in a meteor and with the different environments such as well at the time ice, ocean, and just brown land they pretty much evolved. Some grew to be plants or animals or fungi or whatever. Thats just what my professor told me but keep in mind its also a theory so it all depends.

Side: No

I don't think so because those aliens who created us would be here to order us around.

Side: No
0 points

Lord Satan wouldn't allow it :)

Side: No