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 What Did You Think of the Inauguration? (9)

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frenchieak(1132) pic

What Did You Think of the Inauguration?

What did you think of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President?  Liked it?  Thought it could be better?  What did you think?

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I've been watching it all day and haven't stopped yet! I've watched every Inauguration since J.F.K. was sworn in and I've never seen anything like this before in my lifetime. To characterize this simply as an Historical day is, now, a huge understatement. To have over 3 million people in one place, at one time, with no incidents and nothing but hope in their eyes and smiles on their lips was so significant. We were united by faith renewed. Those who couldn't get to their cars to leave actually grabbed some bags and started cleaning up the Mall lawn! As others saw this, they also chipped in to help.

His speech, running 18 minutes, was written by the President. It was serious, poignant, reflective, hopeful, challenging and strong. It was very much in keeping with what our country has been and is facing today. The low point of mid day came when Senator Edward Kennedy had a seizure and was removed by stretcher and taken to the hospital by an Ambulance which was standing by. Everyone was shaken by this turn of events.

Then came the parade with the President and his First Lady exiting their new semi-stretch limousine twice to walk nearer the people. They then watched the parade from the reviewing stand. The kids, Malia and Sasha seemed to love the entire event with little Sasha giving her dad a thumbs up after his inaugural speech. These are extraordinarily well behaved children! In the two years I've watched their father campaign I have never seen either one act out in any way!

The President and Michelle Obama are now in the middle of their 10 scheduled Inaugural Galas including a Neighborhood Ball which included an "A" list of entertainers and was their first stop. This huge Ball was free to anyone that wanted to be there. They had their first dance there as Beyonce sang Etta James' signature song, "At Last." Next came the Commander-in-Chief Ball, a Youth Ball for those people aged 18-35 who could not afford the price of a full ticket ($150.00), a Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern and Home State Balls which included Illinois, Hawaii, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Oh what a night...a fitting ending to a glorious day for America.

Side: I am filled with pride
3 points

It was amazing to see all of those people standing out in front of the Capitol building. I doubt that I have seen a larger mass of humanity in my life.

I have never really watched the Inauguration before (I was really too young to appreciate it during the previous Inaugurations), but I watched it in the morning from the moment I woke up, quickly drove to school, and then moved to the cafeteria where it was being projected on the big screen. Rarely do so many people from my school be silent to listen to something, but during the swearing in and Obama's speech, his voice was the only thing that one could hear. As of 8:00 a.m., we had a new President and that seemed to effect everything that I thought of. Bush, the President of the country for more than half of my life, is not the President anymore. It was the only thing I could think of all day.

I think that the Inauguration of the President should be a national holiday. So many important things happen on that day: the change of the President, the change of the Vice President, a change in the cabinet and much of the administration, there is a change, however slight, in the political views of the leader of the country, and so much else. It is such an important day, but it would increase the importance of the day even more if the government recognized the event in an even bigger way by adding Inauguration Day as a federal holiday.

Side: I am filled with pride

I absolutely agree with your opinion that the Inauguration of our President should be a National/Federal holiday. It is only once every four years, after all. If the powers that be do not find the event warrants a holiday then, at the very least, have it be broadcast to the kids and teens at school! Granted this one was very special because of his heritage but it's a great History lesson in and of itself to watch and understand how the transfer of power really works and what can happen if it doesn't go as planned.

Side: I am filled with pride
2 points

How bout the part when he thanked President Bush for his eight years of service. (;

Side: I am filled with pride
3 points

It was my first Inauguration so I enjoyed it. I think Obama gave a wonderful speech, it was fun to watch. I watched it in my classroom with a few of my friends, when we were supposed to do our exams but our teach says this is too big of a thing to not be playing. Because it was my first Inauguration on the scale of one to ten I have to say twenty.:)

Side: First timer

The least they could have done was have better commercials (like in the super bowl). Especially since they cut into my regular programing. (;

Side: First timer
2 points

One of the largest Carbon foot prints ever... so i guess the Liberals no longer care about Global Warming. that's cool ;)

otherwise... pretty boring. Obama has become less and less exciting to see over the last year. All of his speeches are so cliche, i can almost predict exactly what he's going to say. He should tell his writers to come up with better shit or something, cause seriously, if i have to hear another cheesy speech again i'm going to kick my tv.

good thing i have tivo though, i can just check my recordings when ever he's on.

Side: Global Warming
2 points

It was my first time watching an inauguration and actually understanding it. I wish I could of been there ( even if it was freezing cold ). It was all in all great just watching it on television made me feel like I was apart of history even if it was just a little minuscule bit.

Side: I am filled with pride

It is now 2015 but I do remember watching the 2009 Inauguration and delighted with History being made and proud that I cast my vote for Barack Obama.

Side: I am filled with pride