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 What are some of the pranks you have played on people? (12)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What are some of the pranks you have played on people?

The funnier the better.  Originality will be highly rated.  I will up vote any that can be recreated here on CD.  I need the material (;

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I waited until the homeless guy started walking back from the fast food restaurant to the "wait for walk" sign with his bag of fast food (fries and a burger). I then picked my nose and put it on the button and hid behind a parked car. He was eating fries and paying attention to the traffic as he pressed the button. Then, he looked down at his hand and started shaking it (like a kitten with masking tape on its paw) before putting it on the light post. I was laughing so hard that he noticed, recognized me and started chasing me.

I ran to my truck but wasn't going to make it. Luckily the crutch that had been thrown at me days prior was still in the bed so I picked it up and aimed for his feet. He came down hard, poor guy, but it gave the time I needed to get in my truck and drive away. I looked in the rear view mirror and I saw the girl helping him up and retrieve her crutch. Would you believe, he was flipping me off!!! I swear, some people have no sense of humor (;

Back in the 70's I worked with a young man who was the testosterone king of every hill you can think of. He knew EVERYTHING and knew it better than anyone else. He was, in this particular job, the best Computer Operator and Key Punch Operator of any installation in America, to hear him tell it, and he was also the fastest! There was no one in the computer room that liked him nor was he liked by any of the Account Managers. I'm not certain about the feelings of the V.P. or President of the company but I do know why they kept him on.

One Friday night myself and my additional operator were talking about how much we'd like to play a trick on him so he would be thoroughly pissed off at this prank being done to him. We threw some possibilities out there and decided on a prank I had once seen in a movie. We took an empty gallon paint pail from our neighbors across the street who ran a paint and hardware store and filled it with a combo of water and sugar to make it really sticky. My partner in crime took 3 wire hangers and bent them into shape so the handle of the pail would only move in one direction and attached this to the end of the hydraulic pump that closed the door to the computer room quickly and quietly and then hung the pail on the hook he had bent out of another hanger and locked into the contraption he had already fashioned from the other three. We tested the height of the door vis-a-vis the pail until we knew the pail would begin to tip as soon as he opened the door in the morning! This was to come off on Saturday morning at 7:00 A.M. since he was coming in to work O.T. alone!

Both of us went home laughing our heads off at seeing John being so shocked as he was being covered with a gallon of sugar and water and not being able to work because of it...we were hysterical as we locked up the building. We couldn't wait to hear about the uproar he would make because someone finally got him after 5 years of bragging about everything in creation.

At 10:00 A.M. Saturday morning my telephone rang. No caller I.D. back then but I did have an answering machine I could listen to as the caller was leaving their message. The call was from the V.P. of the company. It seemed as though there had been a slight accident that morning at about 6:30 A.M. that he wished to discuss with me ASAP. When I called back I almost spit out my coffee as he told me that The President had come in to pick up some work that was left in the computer room the previous day and had arranged a breakfast meeting with one of our clients for 8:30 A.M. He had a fair distance to travel in order to meet him and a full day of Golf was to follow! Unfortunately a pail of "sticky water" had been placed so whomever opened the door would be soaked and as sticky as bubble gum!!! He told me that he had to cancel the business meeting because his suit was drenched and he was sticky from head to foot! Just then John walked in to begin his day and the Prez told him to get the mop and very hot water! I loved it and had all I could do to keep from roaring. Picturing John doing this was too funny to bear but then came the icing on the cake. The boss told him to get a few jobs running back to back and drive him home in his own car so he wouldn't get his Mercedes wet and sticky inside! So, we didn't get him with he big blast but we ended up getting him even better! He got his car all wet and sticky since the paper towels couldn't possibly soak it all up and he had to mop the entire computer room until nothing could stick to anything. Little did any of us know that on Monday the printer repair guy had to come out and replace some stuff because the water splashed all over the place and one of the large printers was beside the door! We were duly interrogated and duly sent back to work since no one could prove anything! I can't say the dirty looks weren't there for a while but John seemed to calm down a lot! Mission Accomplished!

Side: An Oldie But Goodie
2 points

This didn't happen to me, but my teacher told me that he did this while he went to school. Supposedly he had a Substitute teacher one day who fell asleep in class with his head resting on his fist (which was raised up at a 90* angle...or close to it).

So my teacher tied a string around the Sub's wrist and went back to his seat and pulled the string and the Sub's head flew down onto the teacher's desk and he got a bloody nose and my teacher never got caught! XD

Side: Prank the Sub
2 points

A somewhat similar story happened to me, in 8th grade.

My Science teacher had left mid-day, and the sub was late getting to class. A few of the more courageous students found the light off and the door unlocked. Since this was a Science room in the center of the building, there were no windows other than the doors and it was pitch dark inside. A few students walked in, and got scared by these guys jumping out of the dark into the doorway, and laughed and went to their seat in the dark. The same happened to me and all of the other students in the class. Right before the bell was about to ring, the "scarers" scared what was probably the last student to come in, which actually turned out to be the sub. She jumped about a foot in the air. We all saw our well-behaved lives flash before our eyes, knowing that there would be some consequences. Of course, she didn't find this very funny, but she did have a good sense of humor, and realized that there was no harm done, so she told them not to do it again and told us a long, drawn-out story of high school students that were without a teacher for a week and functioned perfectly autonomously. It was hilarious.

Side: Prank the Sub
2 points

I HATE BEER. All my cousins and uncles were peer pressuring me to drink a can of beer. So i replaces the beer with orange soda and yelled "LISTEN UP I'll drink the whole can of beer with one shot if everyone puts in a dollar!" And that day i earned 6 dollars :P

Side: Prank the Sub
1 point

that is freaking brilliant, i wish i could get paid to drink orange juice

Side: office pranks
1 point

Well I couldn't think of any that i have done, but watch this.

The Office: Pranks - Jim vs Dwight
Side: office pranks

I have changed the content of what a web page says to play a prank on my brother, sister, parents, and friends. On Google Chrome, you can edit the text of a website temporarily, which puts you in control of what any news site or front page says. If you use a normally reputable web site, you can get people to believe anything!

Side: Web Browser Mischief
1 point

when someone was sitting down on the end of a chair a pulled it back and hell fell. he took it as a joke.

Side: at school
1 point

Last year for April Fool's day my roomate was on his way back from a five day trip to Blacksburg, VA. My other roomate and I were trying to decide how to get him and discussed several options, all of which were thrown out the second we realized that he hadn't taken his car down, since he'd rode with someone else, and that he left his car keys on the table. We moved his car down the street and around the block, and when he got back later that night we told him his car hadn't been outside all week and we didn't realize anything because we thought he had driven down to VA Tech himself. He went nuts for about half-an-hour, then actually got on the phone with the police. At that time I decided the joke was over and I told him to cancel the report and that we were just messing with him.

I mean - who falls for pranks these days on April Fool's Day?

But it was a great one - especially if you're me & my boy who was in on it

Side: at school
0 points

OK this is ridiculous, but my friend has a job a few months ago. It was a home job to be honest and occasionally she'd go see her boss only to get yelled at. So we let chickens and goats go around the building, ridicious yes! Funny Defiantly

Side: at school
0 points

I have a feeling that there is a part of this story that's missing...

Side: at school