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Debate Score:45
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animedude639(1575) pic

What are some ways Wii-U can stay relevant for this gen?

 What are some ways Nintendo can help the Wii-U succeed in this gen of consoles.

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3 points

I'm just here to get Down-Voted like everyone else.

2 points

The price point for the WiiU is much to high when you compare its capabilities to its competitors capabilities that are in the same price range.

I think they priced themselves out of their target audience or their audience is not broad enough. If their audience is not the nostalgia/young people their product is about 5-7 years behind where it needs to be. Blueray, control of your tv, internet capabilites, these are things that the Wii U are competing with in the price range they set their product at. And other consoles have games aimed at the same target audience, just not Nintendo games.

Nintendo may have some of the nostalgia market but they have to realize that will not make them competitive as the market is moving ahead gaining new audiences. That being said I like the system and the company for some of the ingenuity (not the first console to have a handheld screen in the controller) but RnD is expensive. Some of their games are fun but do not see this to be anything more than the current Wii with a new controller.

While I applaud Nintendos effort in attempting to be the front line of gaming ingenuity they just don't have the money or diversity to suck up RnD or losses that Microsoft or Sony does.

Basically they need to make the Wii U affordable for what it is, just a game station.

Nostalgia is good and all but Nintendo needs to strive for more then just nostalgia. They need something new and fresh, something that will revolutionize the video game industry and leave its competitors in the dust all while maintaining and keeping their nostalgic audience happy. Not to mention they need to stop being so kid friendly they need more games that will target any audience.

It needs more Pew-pew, Jump-swing-swish-slash, evade, wall run-jump-360 butterfly twist ragnarok zweihander chop, earth shattering on impact.

0 points

facepalm no......just..... no

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

You're right. Nintendo makes consoles for pansies. .

Give me some of your thoughts and opinions as to how the Wii-U can become better for this gen.

1 point

Give me some of your thoughts and opinions as to how the Wii-U can become better for this gen.

Wouldn't this have been better to leave in the description instead of a stand alone argument?

Online play seems to be the way to go.

Sorry and yes I completely agree with you Wii-U lacks online. they're making the same mistake with the Wii.

0 points

It's all about the XBone and the PS4.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

How does Wii U change that, guy?

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

Change what guy?

yeah which is why I'm afraid

0 points

yes sir/mam it is it the hotest thing second hottest if you count your mom but it is still good. i got one for my great granddad and he loved it so much he died in 1929