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 What do you guys think of srom1883? (29)

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CaptainUSA(27) pic

What do you guys think of srom1883?

I think he is a good person and a good debator. He provides proof that Jesus did exist but people constantly reject his idea. I believe Him

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10 points

I think srom should stop making multiple accounts pretending to be different people...

CaptainUSA(27) Clarified
1 point

This isn't srom. I don't even know who srom is? I just happened to look at all the stuff about him and I saw a lot of hate on him. So I created a debate on him.

Apollo(1590) Disputed
7 points

Very likely...

A 14-15 year old single, Republican, male, Christian who SECOND argument on this site was declaring how much you liked srom. Keeping in mind that, thence far, you had posted only ONE argument yet you somehow knew from well enough...?

And now, with 10 points, you make a debate about him.


Not to mention the things you say about him. Good person? I agree! He/you sound(s) like a great guy. Good debater? Aww hell no...

Apollo(1590) Clarified
2 points

Also, I would like my reward point back...

How am I supposed to pass joecavalry in my lifetime if people keep down-voting my arguments?

I second this motion, and would like to move to an strike against all the pseudo accounts of srom1883.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Ok. First off I don't have multiple accounts. I only have 1 and that is this account. I don't know any of the accounts passwords. Also I don't know CaptainUSA he is just some random dude. Plus I didn't know he was following me all this time. Now I know that there is a person who actually is nicer then a brother. Thanks Captain!

Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

"CaptainUSA(15) Disputed

Yes lying is a sin... ...I am telling the truth

19hrs 49mins ago"

7 Minutes later...

"srom1883(1338) Disputed

Ok. First off I don't have multiple accounts... ...Thanks Captain!

"19hrs 56mins ago "

While I've rarely debated with you and would rather not take sides on such a personal matter, this does seem awfully close timing.

How long does it take for you to log out and log back in?

CaptainUSA(27) Disputed
1 point

HE IS not ok he is a nice person he has 3 guys ok wow u don't criy

5 points

A very nice guy that is, unfortunately, stupendously ignorant. And is unable to cite sources when copying and pasting.

4 points

Eh, he's pretty nice, and he can ignore people being mean...

But he's ignorant about many things, and though he's gotten a LITTLE better at debating he's still not good at it. Not to mention he has a bunch of obvious fake accounts...

Oh, and how he always uses other people's words to make his arguments. Sometimes without citing it.

But he is nice...

1 point

Huh? Wait? Apollo said he had fake accounts too... if that's true then Andy needs to delete all his fakes! That's bullshit!

1 point

Lol, I have fake accounts too. But I only used them to goof around and haven't touched them since...

3 points

He is a pretty good person and I like how he debates. He provides evidence that God exists. All of the stuff he says is true nothing he says is wrong

ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
6 points

"only the Islamic religion causes wars and terrorism"

This is false.

Ergo, everything he says is not true.

3 points

More like, Ergo, He is not correct on everything. ........................................

Facadeon(508) Clarified
1 point

Narcissism- Pride- Lying.

Not very Christian-like I'm afraid.

2 points

No, I think you'll find those things are very Christian-like.

Religious, so naturally, he probably stricken to the logic of a dead guy and an invisible man, yet I don't have an problem with religious people because they are entitled to believe what they want.

3 points

I see nothing wrong with strom all he does is give his honest opinion and I can't see anything wrong with him and I agree with his statements.

3 points

I up vote his because he is a good person and he makes good points and he is my brother so yah

Yah Fools

2 points

Meh? I don't think we've ever said a word to each other?

1 point

First off guys I don't have any other accounts. I don't know the passwords to any other accounts besides this one. I am telling you guys the truth.

1 point

I personally know him, and I think that his biggest problem on CreateDebate might be that his point doesn't always get clearly through to the other side of the argument. Then again, that happens to everybody.

Anyway, he's definitely a good guy, especially when you get to know him.

I should also mention that, without stalking him, I've seen that he has only one account on CreateDebate. Unfortunately, he his mildly obsessed with this site, and once went as far as being on CreateDebate when asked to work on a school project on a computer. If the teacher comes by, he tries to look productive by typing whatever I typed, even if I made a typo or some other mistake like that.