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 What is the best form of art? (16)

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Apollo(1590) pic

What is the best form of art?

What is the best form of art?

And I use the word "art" in a very general sense. 

Art (in the classical sense)? Music? Plays? Poetry? Dance? Literature? Caligraphy?  Ventriliquism?



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1 point


There is nothing that can rival the depth and subtle beauty of the movies. There is much more to movies than any other form of art. There is just something about it that is much more powerful than any other medium. Everything under the proscenium arch must be masterfully done. That's just me, though. My distant second place pick would be literature.

If you think film is the greatest form of art if film you should really explore the films of Bergman, Tarkovsky, and Kubrick. And if you only watch movies from one of those directors make it Ingmar Bergman, you don't just watch his movies, you experience them.

"Described by Woody Allen as "probably the greatest film artist, all things considered, since the invention of the motion picture camera", he is recognized as one of the most accomplished and influential film directors of all time"

Any art form that depicts naked women ;)

1 point

Martial Arts

They pretty much invented pwnage.

1. Music

2. Literature


Just my picks anyway. I know art is completely subjective, so there can be no true best form, but music to me is just a combination of every other art form.

judgemaster(265) Disputed
1 point

Music, literature and films are most often done for commercial purposes. Almost nobody sings because he likes it, shoots a film because he loves it and writes a book because he wants to exercise his imagination. So, art which is done for personal benefits, can be called true art?

1 point

I would say that the best form of art is when you draw something from your own imagination or when you paint something.

1 point

I'd day music because it's a wonder of the human voice. We ourselves can be the instruments or we can create our own expression of the world: either way, it's thousands of different sounds that express the world freely. I have nothing against movies or literature (I am a professed bookworm) but I would pick music first.

1 point

Dancing(And I am referring to MY dancing X)

And Literature.

Personally for me, those are the most beautiful.

Personally I do not believe there is a "master form" of art. Art to me is merely expression in itself. By speaking words one might spawn a thousand paintings and to accompany those paintings one might create melodies which in turn become pages full of music. That music could then lead into a plethora of stories which create a separate world that would have not existed without the first words spoken.

While I do believe there is preference I do not believe there is one form of art that is held above all.

I prefer more than one type of art as many do though I suppose my favourite form would literature. Whether that consists of my own writing or my reading of other works.

Yes that was a tad long winded but hey why not.

1 point

Music. it can change and portray peoples emotions. Also, you can listen to it almost everywhere.

1 point

I would have to say music is the best form of art. It is powerful and seems more people seem to understand it better. All thought plays and dance and Literature is good forms. I just dont think they are as powerful as music is to people

The best form of art is one which is done for the sake of the art itself, for enjoyment and one which is done without any commercial motives. This being said, and I dare say some people would find my opinion strange, toilet art is the best form of art. Not being done for any commercial purpose, it is done for enjoyment, hence the best form of art.

The best form of art would be the paintings from the Renaissance. The artists during those times created paintings that were so beautiful that they have endured the test of time.

In my opinion, painting is the best form of art. An artist paints what he sees in his mind.

1 point

This universe, God's creation, is the best form of art. Logical in parts, abstract as a whole...