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 What is wrong with our society? (75)

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fruits1928(47) pic

What is wrong with our society?

There are many things wrong with our society, but what are they?

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4 points

The same basic things that have always been wrong, just slightly different metrics for different times and places. The better question would be what is wrong with humans?

1 point

We live in what can be described as a "lumpy" melting pot of different ideologies. The broth is the work of our founders. A representative republic, based on freedom and capitalism. The lumps are ideologies that try to change the essence of the broth.

2 points

Every ideology tries to change the essence of the broth, as we were not created with one uniform broth. Our founders were not ideologically uniform, so the broth had lumps right off the bat.

daver(1771) Disputed
1 point

Our founders were of a single purpose. Freedom, self governance and capitalism. Communist and Socialist ideologies seek to tear down our Constitution and create Lenin's utopia. These are lumps on the broth that clump together to make us something fundamentally different.

The truth is - very little.

Take a look around - where else in the world would you rather live? We literally have to look for things to argue over - and blow up small differences into giant important diatribes. Our biggest problem really is how to get the rest of the world to where we are.

TheDemocrat(18) Disputed
1 point

Maybe we could stop bombing and exploiting them :p

1 point

I think once the individual knows the purpose of their life society as a collective would do much better, I mean way better!

Aristo(2) Clarified
1 point

The real issue is people are walking around with a 2 dimensional view of life, clueless to what will follow after death.

War and hatred are the two things that are wrong with society. Terrible!

0 points

Not enough people know how awesome Confucius is. Bathe in his glory:

Its good to meet girl in park. But better to park meat in girl.

Children in front seats cause accidents. Accidents in back seat cause children.

0 points

We've turned away from Christ... That pretty much sums it up.

MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
4 points

Not really. We have the highest levels of religious evolution-deniers in the Christian World.

Meanwhile, if your hypothesis had merit, we would expect the highly atheistic nations of Scandinavia to be a wretched wasteland. Instead, they have some of the highest standards of living and levels of happiness on the planet.

Try again.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

So is that why poverty is down, violence is down, education is up, discrimination is down, etc?

Not just in this country, but globally?

daver(1771) Disputed
2 points

Poverty, violence, education and even discrimination are improved worldwide by one core cause. Capitalist ideologies causing economies to grow.

The USSR collapsed under communist ideology and Russia began to prosper when capitalism was adopted. (Currently the Russian economy as again faltering under Putin's influence.) China has prospered because of commerce rather than communism.

Our power and influence have weakened as our economy has faltered under socialist programs.

daver(1771) Disputed
1 point

There are more Americans living on poverty today than in 2008.Source

The US is not even in the top 10. Source

1 point

It is true that many men have turned from the mercy of God, but many of our problems are humanly linked. We cause the problems in society. God created us very intellectually. We are capable of great things. I believe it's what we decide to do with those great things that will decide if we are functioning well as a society.

-1 points

The Progressive movement is destroying this nation. People are becoming welfare addicts expecting tax payers to support them. This will end in bankruptcy because fewer and fewer people will work hard only to have a corrupt Government redistribute their money to give to free loaders. The progressive movement encourages laziness and irresponsibility while punishing responsibility. NO QUESTION ABOUT IT!

2 points

Can you specifically explain how "The Progressive movement" has done any of this, please?

daver(1771) Disputed
1 point

Welfare programs like "The War On Poverty" are an admitted failure yet progressives on Congress continue to expand them. The government advertises the SNAP program in the media!

Result --- SNAP card usage is at all time highs, while Obama claims economic progress.

Unemployment benefits were extended to nearly two years.

Result --- People stayed unemployed longer.

Side note: When the benefits expired, unemployment rate dropped. Hmmmm