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 What is your favorite color? (12)

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deadman88(-7) pic

What is your favorite color?

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2 points

I like the color red,black,white,blue,green,and gold. I think it looks good on me and also a lot of girls

1 point

Green. It is soothing, and it is the color of my lover's eyes.

Side: green
1 point

Turquoise. It's fantastically beautiful. Reminds me of the shallow, warm, clean, blue waters in tropical locations. Somewhere I need to go someday. hehe.

Side: green

Yellow, Black and Red! Pick one, they belong to us all.``````````````````````````````````````

Side: green
1 point

Blue is so peaceful and amazing in so many ways. And it's the color of my eyes! :)

Side: Blue

Yep, mine as well my little friend! And it is a peaceful color which helped me to realize I hadn't said why I like my own colors. Red and yellow are so vibrant and stirring. Black looks good in everything and on everyone...besides put red and yellow on that and you've got somethin' goin' on!!!!!

Side: Blue

To my eyes, green is the most beautiful colour. Explaining why a certain colour is more pleasing than another colour is like explaining why soft textures feel good and shards of glass don't (generally speaking). In other words, it's inexplicable.

Side: green
1 point

blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue rocks!!!!!!!!!

Side: Blue

My favorite is black and no I am not racist!

Side: Blue
0 points

Blue! No wait, Green! arrrrrggghhhh! thrown in the chasm

Side: blue no wait green
-3 points
1 point

That shouldn't be something that you should be happy about you need a lot of help!

Side: Red