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 What is your personal input on how the mind may function in Different situations? (1)

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NeoMakazo(31) pic

What is your personal input on how the mind may function in Different situations?

For me, even when i was young to the point i could barely comprehend what people were thinking, I've always had an unchallenged view of how the mind may function as to different situations that everyone takes differently. What do you think? And are you someone like me who has analyzed everything possible about a person?
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1 point

I've always had an unchallenged view of how the mind may function as to different situations that everyone takes differently.

What do you mean “ unchallenged “ ?

How do you prove everyone takes situations differently ?

And are you someone like me who has analyzed everything possible about a person?

How could you analyze everything possible about a person as that’s actully impossible ?

NeoMakazo(31) Clarified
1 point

By unchallenged I mean not changing. And by everything i said everything possible. Sorry I didn't clarify on that sooner, i meant the way they act in situations. Like a lot of people when nervous will scrunch up and their will shake.