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Debate Score:7
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 What makes a man a man? (7)

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Hitler(2364) pic

What makes a man a man?

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This song explores this question in depth.

Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

Fuck the melody, I'll show you raw lyrics.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

That is cool. It is a poem though - not lyrics.

When I listen to that, I imagine completing medical school, overcoming the barriers of studying in a foreign language, making my business a success etc. What do you think about Prodigee? "I'm going to dare to leave my mum's house to pick up my dole money YAH!!!" ;)

Jace(5222) Disputed Banned
1 point

Eh. Underwhelming cover of someone else's writing with distracting videography.

1 point

A penis.

Image and Leadership.