
Debate Info

Healthy Unhealthy
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Healthy (3)
 Unhealthy (1)

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HaileyMarie(14) pic

What is your view on vaccines? Healthy or unhealthy.

Are vaccines good for you or bad for you? Some people think vaccines are more dangerous than the actual sickness itself. What do you think?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2

You either recognize that vaccines are good and don't cause autism, or you're wrong.

Seriously, the man who started this idiotic movement did so based on the desire to undermine the legitimacy of one of the contemporary vaccines so that he could sell his own. The very person who started the movement, the man who these "anti-vaxxers" cite recognized that they work. The paper that he published has since been thoroughly destroyed, leveling this movement with zero credibility.

There is no legitimate reason to be anti-vaccine. Now if you want to be anti-vaccine makers, that is an entirely different story.

Side: Healthy
1 point

Vaccines are healthy, essential, and don't have the side effects that anti vaxers claim. The diseases that vaccines eliminate are very scary things and should not be messed with.

Vaccination Video
Side: Healthy
1 point

I'm the parent of two very young boys and fully support vaccination. I cringe at the thoughts of my boys coming down with polio or one of the other terrible diseases we thought for decades had been eradicated. Shortly after my first son was born we had a trip to California scheduled and we actually had to rush to get him one of the vaccines early (I think indeed it was for polio) because an outbreak had just happened in California due to all the maniac parents who believed the bogus study on vaccines and autism. It really made me mad. Furthermore, there are some children (not mine thankfully) who are not able to receive vaccines due to medical conditions and those kids benefit from the pack immunization effect when the rest of society vaccinates. It's pathetic when you hear parents who SHOULD be getting their kids vaccinated defiantly saying it's their own choice and their own dang business and it doesn't matter to anyone else. Yes it does. It matters to kids who are medically incapable of getting a vaccine directly.

Whatever is causing autism it isn't the vaccines. Get over it.

Side: Healthy

If God didn't want us to be crippled or killed by diseases he would have made vaccines grow on trees.

Side: Unhealthy