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 What was the most criminal act of George W. Bush's presidency? (20)

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blueeyesjk(6) pic

What was the most criminal act of George W. Bush's presidency?

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Read my lips, he is not a crook! [joe makes a peace sign] ;)

The war in Iraq, hands down.

Side: Iraqi War
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

How is that a criminal act? Don't tell me about why you disagree with it. Thats different. Tell me how it was a criminal act, please.

Side: Not A Criminal
3 points

Hi again Jake! Rather than giving you my view I'll depend on one of the many articles written on the Illegality and Illegitimacy of the Iraqi war. There are many more that can be found right here on line. I'm not asking you to change your mind if you disagree but at least read what this side has to say before you decide anew or stay in place. Even with the Bush Doctrine...think it through to its natural end and perhaps you can see it a bit differently.

Supporting Evidence: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (
Side: Not A Criminal
1 point

Warrantless wiretaps. No question.

Side: Not A Criminal

I almost forgot those...thanks for the reminder. Maybe making a list would have been more in order for this wazoo's criminal acts!

Side: Not A Criminal
2 points

Let's see... The partisan hiring of US attorneys, the Valerie Plame affair, Blackwater, torture, removal of habeas corpus, the Bush Doctrine in general... I don't have time to even look at the other 390+ items on the list linked below.

Supporting Evidence: Bush Scandals (
Side: Not A Criminal
1 point

killed innocent black people...

really,cause everything else he did wasn't criminal technically ;)

Side: He Hates Blacks
1 point

Denial of Global Warming to help big polluting corporations

WAR, just to get oil

His values are a little lopsided

Side: He Hates Blacks
1 point

His part in september 9th 2001, he should be put before the courts for what he did and allowed to happen.

See the attached video

Loose Change
Side: Intelligence Compromised
1 point

Despite some controversial acts such as signing the bailouts, Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind, he was not a criminal. Most people accuse him of criminal acts in one or both wars under his tenure, but none were committed. The invasion of Afghanistan was necessary following 9/11, and the Iraq War because of the threat posed by the regime there.

Side: Not A Criminal

Bin laden. The iraq war was made by bush, a terrible leader, because of the fake man obama bin laden- which hiillary clinton admitted al quada is created by the american government. The twin towers were a pivotal point for the creation of the iraq war, but al quada was american- which means bush funded and ordered the attack. This was used as an excuse to search for wmds in iraq where us spys found NOTHING. Then he still declared war and spent millions of dollars fighting iraq. This messed up the economy. Also, AQ captured several middle eastern towns and kill several innocent people. The bin ladens were buisness associates of bush. The war on terrorism was fought by nato- with bush-led america on the terrorist side. Bush was a bad person, so there are severl terrible things he's done. This however is only what I think is the worst.

Side: Not A Criminal
-1 points

None. Otherwise he would be waiting trial with the possibility of serving time in jail. Since this is not the case, he hasn't committed any criminal acts.

Side: Not A Criminal
haljor(12) Disputed
1 point

Of course. Osama bin Laden isn't in jail, so obviously he didn't commit any criminal acts either. It's all so clear to me now!

Side: Not A Criminal
0 points

The difference is that we know where George Bush is and we can drag his ass to trial. Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden? Can we drag his ass to court?

Side: Not A Criminal