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 What was your first post on cd? (13)

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DaWolfman(3324) pic

What was your first post on cd?

I was just looking through the archives and this is my first post on cd, just curious as to what your's all are :)

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2 points

Hm, looks like links don't get pasted, shame, because it was a good piece of information.

Anyway it took like 15 minutes to dig this up :/ They need a "last page" link on the Waterfall page.

Elizabeth Dole is pushing the economy hot button in her recent ad, touting subsidies for farmers. Ignoring the contentious nature of farm subsidies, and that they tend to work more as a welfare system for rich farms instead of a safety net for poor farmers. Apparently they didn’t work. North Carolina’s unemployment rate is well below the national average. And the curve is not improving:

National Unemployment

North Carolina’s Unemployment

Maybe it’s time for North Carolina to try something new? Maybe even elect someone from their own State.

Side: N Carolina
1 point

Anyway it took like 15 minutes to dig this up :/ They need a "last page" link on the Waterfall page.

Same here! I agree.

Side: N Carolina

I think I came on board during the Primaries so I would have to say it was something political in general or specifically about Hillary Clinton. But that was 404 days ago and lots of water has gone under the bridge in the passing months.

Side: Hillary Clinton
1 point

I do believe so, more murders have been caused by religion than anything else in the worlds history. I could not imagine us living in a world without religion since I was born into it. If I wasn't born into religion maybe I could see the truth behind my own religion. But since the truth is I do believe in God and that their is a heaven waiting to take my soul in after I die, I cannot truly say with all my heart that the world would be better. To imagine a world without religion ... back in the midieval ages the Pope would not have been totally revered as being the true sender of someone to hell or heaven. He and every Pope before and after him they are all just regular men who should not with any doubt in my mind be looked upon as being any better than me or any reader. All in all if I did not have a religion and nobody else had a religion we might be farther along in technology or who knows the possiblities and the point being we will never know and the world will always have at least 1 religion until it ends or people end.

Side: Hillary Clinton
1 point

Mine was a rant about child molestors.

It's what drew me to this site from a google search.

Side: Hillary Clinton
1 point

I was looking up information on a book to cheat on a book report when I first landed here =)

My teacher had some deep questions for how to kill a mockingbird

Side: Hillary Clinton

"Honestly, I can't believe this didn't happen sooner, and I can't understand why anybody would be against the legalization of same-sex marriage. If it's for religious reasons (and I don't know what other reason a person can have), can't even a Bible-hugger understand that there are several religions coexisting in the States?

Love is love. It's simple."

I would go on CD every day in English instead of writing my final paper and/or my college essay. :)

Side: Same-sex marriage
1 point

It was a class debate in my English class at school.

Should students receive a ticket if they do not leave an event within thirty minutes

"1. As long as they inform the students of this rule ahead of time, yes.

2. Thirty minutes is plenty of time to leave the event.

3. Why would anyone refuse to leave when they know the rule? If they do, then they deserve a ticket."

Supporting Evidence: link (
Side: Same-sex marriage
1 point

"Will Mac Ever Beat PC?"

I was arguing for the Macintosh... and I would still argue for the Mac.

I found CD through an article posted on Digg, having to do with new websites that seemed promising.

"Macs are superior for consumer and artisitic uses. They are not as problematic as PC's because you don't "upgrade" them with hardware, rather, you upgrade with software. I don't know if anyone here has noticed but Mac software actually gets lighter as it progresses. What I mean is, while I do admit that it's not "lighter" on memory, and lighter on your HD or processor, it can manage itself in a way that it seems lighter. For example, I have an iMac G3 (255Ghz I believe, something very primitive) with only 300-something Mb of 66Mhz SDRAM, and it actually runs better with Tiger 10.4.11 than with the OS that it came out with (MacOS9).

Hardware in the Macs are tailored to fit together. They are not meant to upgrade (beyond memory and storage), so Apple fits each part and tests the performance to insure no individual component bottlenecks any other component. PC's have this problem all of the time, whether from a company or custom. You will have the best processor on the planet, the best memory, and the best video card, but your North and/or Southbridge chip cannot manage the performance, thus rendering all of your money and effort illegitimate. That was an example, there are many many many ways to bottleneck performance... and Apple knows that this cannot happen with their machines because one bad (and irreplaceable) part can ruin an entire line of computers.

There are so many reasons why Macs will always out perform PC's, whether it's the OS you're running (OSX>Linux>Win), the hardware, the quality of hardware or manufacturing, the warrenty, the initial cost and cost overall (after purchase in the form of hardware/software upgrades or replacements). Mac dominates PC's in usability for both the average consumer and the pro-user.

Now, if you're talking $$$ and Specialty applications (Scientific or gaming) PC's are better. For gaming because the market for gaming is larger for PC's because most people don't look at macs. Game developers work to make more money, more PC's than Macs means that they will develop for PC's."

454 Days Ago

Side: Same-sex marriage
1 point

Also, DaWolfman your first post was on my second post debate...

"I do believe so, more murders have been caused by religion than anything else in the worlds history. I could not imagine us living in a world without religion since I was born into it. If I wasn't born into religion maybe I could see the truth behind my own religion. But since the truth is I do believe in God and that their is a heaven waiting to take my soul in after I die, I cannot truly say with all my heart that the world would be better. To imagine a world without religion ... back in the midieval ages the Pope would not have been totally revered as being the true sender of someone to hell or heaven. He and every Pope before and after him they are all just regular men who should not with any doubt in my mind be looked upon as being any better than me or any reader. All in all if I did not have a religion and nobody else had a religion we might be farther along in technology or who knows the possiblities and the point being we will never know and the world will always have at least 1 religion until it ends or people end." - DaWolfman

Unless CD's archive limit is 768 arguments or something... I feel as though my first post was about something else.

Side: Same-sex marriage
1 point

You lost me, you mean that was the 2nd debate you made?

"I do believe so, more murders have been caused by religion than anything else in the worlds history. I could not imagine us living in a world without religion since I was born into it. If I wasn't born into religion maybe I could see the truth behind my own religion. But since the truth is I do believe in God and that their is a heaven waiting to take my soul in after I die, I cannot truly say with all my heart that the world would be better. To imagine a world without religion ... back in the midieval ages the Pope would not have been totally revered as being the true sender of someone to hell or heaven. He and every Pope before and after him they are all just regular men who should not with any doubt in my mind be looked upon as being any better than me or any reader. All in all if I did not have a religion and nobody else had a religion we might be farther along in technology or who knows the possiblities and the point being we will never know and the world will always have at least 1 religion until it ends or people end." - DaWolfman

Side: Same-sex marriage
1 point

"The human population is so immense, that even if there were a catastrophic event, like a meteor or nuclear war, there would still be scattered populations of humans that are capable of breeding, thus restoring the population. Overpopulation is a threat to individuals, not the species of humans. If overpopulation occurs, many will die off, but plenty of human beings will still survive.

189 days ago | Tagged As: No"

I think I was looking up 2012 or something on google. I'm sure 95% of the people on CD found the site by searching for a debate topic on google. lol And the other 5% used it for school. :)

Side: Are we doomed to extinction