
Debate Info

He would die He'd make it out
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 He would die (1)
 He'd make it out (2)

Debate Creator

Daegonius(329) pic

What would happen if you dropped Trump off in the middle of zimbabwe with nothing but his

Nothing but his clothes, and a stone age spear.

He would die

Side Score: 1

He'd make it out

Side Score: 2
1 point

The same thing that would happen to Obama or Bernie Sanders.

Side: He would die
1 point

I appreciate what you're saying; Trump is likely to lack basic survival skills. The same applies to the majority of U.S. citizens, however.

Side: He'd make it out
1 point

He would become a billionaire selling the Bongos bones to pierce through their nostrils, selling them bananas and renting out accommodation in the Trump luxury mud hut complex.

Trump is a man who can adapt to, and exploit any environment to his advantage.

The brain dead dummies on this site simply cannot understand the resourcefulness of a red blooded industrious entrepreneur.

They're much better at trying to demean successful people of substance and their achievements as this negative practice helps to mask their own failures in life.

Side: He'd make it out