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 What would you do if the zombie apocalypse happened? (17)

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Srom(12206) pic

What would you do if the zombie apocalypse happened?

How would you survive, what would you use as your weapon, your base, and your team?

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4 points

Shit myself and die in a pool of my own piss and tears .

2 points

Most truthful argument I've seen on this dump! Kudos sir! ;)

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Why would you do that? Do me that is completely dumb and stupid.

Oh, bullshit. Anyone who says they would fight off a horde of vicious zombies that could bring an apocalypse, is clearly a liar.

Or, maybe I'm just a total coward ;)

2 points

I would get an ak47, sword, and rifle, fight my way to an army base, nuke the world and kill all the zombies. :)

1 point

Join them and kill all you mofo's!

1 point

You do know there is a lot of people who are experianced and would probably kill you for being a zombie. (Guns, swords, machete, and other things.)

1 point

Not if I kill them first! ;)

1 point

Get a bow and a sword.

1 point

Against zombies? Even a chair would suffice.

Zombies are boring, but for some reason fun at the same time. So rotten through it's like smashing watermelons.

1 point

Go to my uncles house. he's an Vietnam Veteran, collects guns, canes with swords inside them, and for fun he collects chainsaws. Plus he lives in Wyoming, has 40 acres of wild land, and home made beer.

1 point

Either that or baracade myself in Costco, and put the treadmills around the building so they can never get inside. Plus Costco has pretty much everything.

Move to some place where there are not many people, but lots of drugs.

1 point

stand still going o my god it actually happened, i would more then likely be killed first lol