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 When I say Nintendo what do you think of? (29)

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animedude639(1574) pic

When I say Nintendo what do you think of?

Just need some opinions on the greatest gaming company in history :D

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When I think of Nintendo I think of the greatest video game company of all time. Why are they the greatest game company ever you ask? Mario , Zelda , Donkey kong , kirby. Nuff said

animedude639(1574) Clarified
1 point

lol XD

1 point

I think of the company that makes a lot of the popular video games like Pokemon, Mario, and others.

Of course how could I forget Pokémon and thinks for your thoughts Srom ;D

1 point

Your welcome animedude. I see your back finally and its been awhile.

KillerBee(480) Clarified
1 point

Explain others please

Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

Zelda, Super Smash Bro's, etc.

I hate to say it but I think Wii. I don't like Wii, it was a stupid idea, but it's the first thing that pops into mind.

My favorite console was the Super Nintendo oddly enough my favorite game was Clayfighter 63 1/3) which was on the Nintendo 64 system.

Not to mention the whole Mario cassette.

Oh my gosh, I'm all nostalgic now!

animedude639(1574) Clarified
1 point

I don't know dude the idea of motion control gaming is just beast and the super Nintendo was just a badass console! thanks for your thoughts XD

I like motion control, I don't like Wii's take on it. Kinect is where it's at. That remot often flies out of people's hands, and the whole idea that they claimed, was that people would be able to enjoy their games... and get active. Let me ask you personally (and my assumption could be wrong):

How long after getting a Wii, did you stop standing to play?

My family stopped fairly quick, and devised lazy methods to pull of the bowling moves while seated comfortably on the sofa.

Once great but now falling behind other companies through their endeavours to make motion gaming popular with the Wii. There's no doubt that Mario and Zelda are two of the best game series ever made but now mario is just recycled over and over with better graphics and Zelda just doesnt have the same feel to it. But thats just me. The 3DS was a big leap for them because that shit is honestly cool but as far as consoles and games go, eh, theyre lagging (LOL GET IT?)

animedude639(1574) Clarified
1 point

lol yes I get it XD, while I respect your opinion I personally disagree how every Mario game is the same and as for Zelda true it's not as good as it use to be but its still doing great.


Cod fanboys just piss me off :/

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Lol, i mean, i used to love CoD and i am big into shooters but the series has gone downhill since MW2. Ever since Infinity Ward's lead developers quit after being sued by moneywhore activision, it had been trashed by Treyarch whos crown achievement is the Tony Hawks Underground franchise. TONY FUCKING HAWK.. I say no more

1 point

I think forks, rakes, shovels, seeds....basic agricultural equipment. Little known fact, Nintendo is an extremely old company and well before the invention of computers, Nintendo made and sold agricultural equipment. You can keep that in your book of useless trivia.

1 point

I thought of the Nintendo logo, but I also thought of Donkey Kong. lol And that was b4 I saw your profile pic. I was always more of a gamecube person, but I never had a Nintendo.