
Debate Info

I will quit the internet. I'll just deal with it.
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 I will quit the internet. (4)
 I'll just deal with it. (5)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

When People on the Internet Become as Annoying as They are in Real Life....

I will quit the internet.

Side Score: 4

I'll just deal with it.

Side Score: 6
1 point

It could be worse.... the people on the internet could become part of your real life... in other words, you couldn't shut them off when ever you wanted to.

Side: I will quit the internet.
1 point

I would just deal with it and move on there are going to be a lot of idiots in this world that we may come across. So I would just move on with life and not worry about those stupid annoying people on the internet.

Side: I'll just deal with it.
2 points

But, but, but........ they're annoying?!

Well, at least I don't think you will win Most Annoying this year... congrats!

Side: I'll just deal with it.
1 point

I know! I actually didn't deserve it really but I don't know what award I'll be getting this year since they're a bunch of new people.

Side: I'll just deal with it.

I assumed they already were.

Needy people, get needier. Boring people flock to boring sites. Perverts become quagmire, or Jack the Ripper.

I'll deal with them, by ignoring them like I've always done.

Side: I'll just deal with it.
1 point

When people on the internet become as annoying as they are in real life?

They are 10x more annoying on the internet.

Side: I'll just deal with it.