
Debate Info

Men will never be women. Women will never be men.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Men will never be women. (4)
 Women will never be men. (3)

Debate Creator

Ahoghill(1452) pic

Where is the fairness in biological men competing and winning in female sports?

Men with psychological problems who think they're women seem to get a kick out of competing in sports against the lesser athletic capabilities of females.
Anyone with male genitalia is a male and if such people identify as females they can only be classified as mentally defective and should be treated for their psychological disorder in an institution for the mentally insane.
Such '' mentally defective freaks'' should not be allowed to participate in woman's sports. 
Equally, anyone with female genitalia, i.e., able to conceive and bear children, are not men and regardless of them screaming objections shouldn't be allowed to present themselves as males. 

Men will never be women.

Side Score: 4

Women will never be men.

Side Score: 3
1 point

Sportswoman and female athletes in many countries are being denied the opportunity of competing on a level playing field when all too often their rivals are stronger men with significantly higher amounts of testosterone.

Legislation must be introduced to stop this left-wing/progressive nonsense.

Side: Men will never be women.
1 point

In days gone by such oddities featured in circus sideshows as weird freaks with the presenter attracting the crowds attention by bellowing;- ROLL UP, ROLL UP, SEE THE BEARDED LADY.

Side: Men will never be women.
1 point

Both sides are stupid but I do want to bring up something that might be an issue very soon.

What about the people who identify as non binary?

Originally, the purpose of separating biological men and women in sports was to assure that each person gets to play in the «  corresponding » physical category.

We all know that there are women with similar physical strength as certain men and inversely.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to categorize sports by muscle mass (for example) or some other physical indicator that takes out gender in sports.

Side: Men will never be women.
1 point

If these retards are hell-bent on competing in sporting events, that's fine.

But let them compete against each other in sporting competitions EXCLUSIVELY FOR TRANSGENDERS.

That way they won't have to wear wigs, false tits or lipstick.

Side: Women will never be men.
1 point

The GENDER-BENDER'S 500 METERS was won by Miss Arnold Butch, the one with the drooping Mexican bandito moustache and big balls.

Side: Women will never be men.
1 point

Where is the fairness in biological men competing and winning in female sports?

Excon always opts out of these types of debates because even he can see that these morons are complete psychopaths. He'll vote their sick and twisted ideology right into our culture nonetheless though.

Side: Women will never be men.
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Excon always opts out of these types of debates

Hello Tot:

Nahhh.. I opt in when I disagree.


Side: Men will never be women.