
Debate Info

Yes Sour berries
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:11
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 Yes (4)
 Sour berries (3)

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FactMachine(430) pic

Where there advanced civilizations before currently recorded history began?


Side Score: 5

Sour berries

Side Score: 3
1 point

This evidence is fascinating. It will be interesting to see what they might find under that hill but I think it's a bit early to start calling it a pyramid.

I'm going to be retiring in a few short years and one thing on my bucket list is to see some of those things for myself.

Side: Yes

What kind of stupid question is this? If there were any "advanced civilizations before currently recorded history began" then we wouldn't know because nobody recorded them. You daft turnip. You might as well ask, "Is cheese wet when nobody is looking"?

Side: Sour berries
Rusticus(809) Disputed
2 points

@Nomenclature - Why so angry, judgemental and bombastic? Maybe it's time to take a break from the internet.

Side: Yes
0 points

@Nomenclature - Why so angry? Maybe it's time to take a break from the internet.

I'm not angry. It's just a stupid question.

Side: Sour berries
FactMachine(430) Disputed
1 point

You fucking retard, there's evidence other than just things that are deliberately recorded by the people of that time to indicate that they existed, for example buildings, artwork, skeletal remains etc. You are literally fucking retarded, if I jerk off into a bowl of ramen noodles and you ate those noodles but didn't notice, and I never told anyone what I did would that mean it never happened? Just because they aren't "recorded" or there are no records left in any intelligible state doesn't mean we couldn't find evidence, in fact there is a massive quantity of evidence. You are an absolute ignoramus who doesn't even know what archeology is, how do you think we know what dinosaurs where even though they didn't leave any records? Holy fucking organic free range eggs from an Amish farm you are a knuckle dragging dim witted barbarian with a brain the size of Tyrion Lannisters left testicle.

Side: Yes
0 points

You fucking retard

Now see that's anger.

there's evidence other than just things that are deliberately recorded by the people of that time to indicate that they existed, for example buildings, artwork, skeletal remains etc

Firstly, you aren't talking about people. You're talking about "advanced civilisations". Whether or not a civilisation is advanced is impossible to determine accurately without a record of the civilisation, what it achieved, what its beliefs were and what it left for the progeny.

Secondly, you have changed your debate question. Your question was not whether it is possible for advanced civilisations to have been lost to history, but whether advanced civilisations have actually been lost to history, and that of course is impossible to answer because your own question precludes the answer.

You can call me all the nasty names you like, pal. Your question is still stupid.

Side: Sour berries