
Debate Info

God Aliens (the mars type)
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:37
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 God (11)
 Aliens (the mars type) (11)

Debate Creator

Thewayitis(4063) pic

Which is Real?

In the debates here, people seem to favor Aliens over God.  So I decided to put them face to face.


Side Score: 16

Aliens (the mars type)

Side Score: 16
2 points

I know for absolutely sure that God is real....but aliens? I don't think so. I don't believe everything I hear on Art Bell!

Side: God
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Wow, that is soooo weird,

because I "know for absolutely sure" that god isn't real.

I don't believe everything I hear from Religious People!

(see how easy that was? try coming up with a real argument)

Side: Aliens (the mars type)
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

And you thought this was going to be something. HaHa. I forgot your not real either.

Side: God

God. Someone had to create the aliens. Of coarse aliens don't exist.

Side: God
1 point

What if both are real?............................................................

Side: Maybe both

Yeah, what if, and not only if both are real, but if the same entity.------

Side: God
1 point

Without God there wouldn't be anything at all, the world would be a blank. We can see the effects from God creating the universe and the human race, what effects can we see from aliens? Nothing, because they do not exist.

Side: God
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

I'm going to do an experiment where I take exactly what you say, but replace the words god and aliens:

Without aliens there wouldn't be anything at all, the world would be a blank. We can see the effects from aliens creating the universe and the human race, what effects can we see from god? Nothing, because (he/she) does not exist.

What did we learn today kids?

Here let's do that again but with new words:

Without Zeus there wouldn't be anything at all, the world would be a blank. We can see the effects from Zeus creating the universe and the human race, what effects can we see from atoms? Nothing, because they do not exist.

Good point. I never was into the whole atom theory... I mean I can't see them.

Here, one more time:

Without this hair on my ass there wouldn't be anything at all, the world would be a blank. We can see the effects from this hair on my ass creating the universe and the human race, what effects can we see from that guy who played Alf in that hit tv show from the 80's? Nothing, because that guy who played Alf in that hit tv show from the 80's does not exist.

You are truly a master debater arataii.

I am thoroughly convinced through your logic that Alf created a hair on my ass who bore the son of Zeus and died for our sins leading to a big bang that killed all the aliens.

Side: Aliens (the mars type)
1 point

Wow, despite being a religious man myself... Your reply not only made me laugh (I'm serious), it was a witty rebuttal! :) Kudos to you.

Lol, was that "Master Debater" part some sort of pun :)

Side: God
1 point

I must learn to do that more often .

Side: Aliens (the mars type)

If iamdavidh thinks God doesn't exist, then that is proof that he does exist. Keep believing we know the truth.

Side: God
1 point

God created us in our image. So if He did, then who created aliens?? And God is definitely real. I can list number of reasons but thats not the point of this debate

Side: God
1 point

God is real because im a christian. nothing more there. aliens, like green giants with 101eyes, are definitely not. maybe tiny litte low-matinence bacteria, but no 'aliens'

Side: God
2 points

If I had to bet on either of these two I would have to go with the Aliens in terms of calculating the odds.

Side: Aliens (the mars type)

Here are those stats

1) The number of galaxies. An estimated 50 billion galaxies are visible with modern telescopes and the total number in the universe must surely exceed this number by a huge factor, but we will be conservative and simply double it. That's 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe.

2) The number of stars in an average galaxy. As many as hundreds of billions in each galaxy.

That's 100,000,000,000 stars per galaxy.

3)The number of stars in the universe.

So the total number of stars in the universe is roughly 100 billion x 100 billion.

That's 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, 10 thousand, billion, billion. Properly known as 10 sextillion. And that's a very conservative estimate.

4) The number of stars that have planetary systems. That calculation results in:

10,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe. Ten million, billion, as a conservative estimate.

5) The number planets capable of supporting life. Let's assume that this is very rare among planets and rate it at only one in a million. Simple division results in:

Ten billion planets capable of life.

YES, ALIENS DO EXIST, But we haven't come across any; well, at least that is what we are told. If not, they are too far to reach us and vice versa.

Supporting Evidence: ET (
Side: Aliens (the mars type)
1 point

"Thumbs up"

How would one calculate the odds of god/s existing?

Side: Aliens (the mars type)
1 point

It's really a silly question to debate on, you have "God," an incoherent subject with no reasonable basis in reality, pitted against intelligent alien life which we ourselves act as proof of it being possible.

If we can exist, then other civilisations must exist in this universe, or will exist at some point. We are a natural product of the universe, and the universe is incomprehensibly vast.

I like to imagine that out in the universe, there are civilisations and in those civilisations someone is asking "Do you believe in god or aliens?" To which one of them replies "Of course not! Grognok the all powerful is all that exists!"

Side: Aliens (the mars type)
1 point

Odds are decidedly on the side of aliens.

Combining the effectively infinite search space of the entire universe with the fact that we already know that the emergence of biological life is a possibility the probability of alien life existing somewhere is decent.

The odds of the magic superbeing? Pretty close to zero.

Side: Aliens (the mars type)
1 point

All the supposed Gods were just aliens who came here to have hawt alien sex with the earth women and then leave them with their hybrid babies because they didn't want to pay child support......

Side: Aliens (the mars type)
1 point

Neither. Alien life is not impossible, but it is unlikely it will have eyes, ears, skin, limbs, cells, e.t.c. People imagine aliens as looking like some sort of mutated version of an Earth animal. But you have no idea, it could just be a bunch of atoms spinning in a certain way which gives it conscience. But I would have said aliens more likely.

Side: Aliens (the mars type)