
Debate Info

Imagination Knowledge
Debate Score:55
Total Votes:62
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 Imagination (17)
 Knowledge (15)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Which is more important, imagination or knowledge?


Side Score: 27


Side Score: 28
3 points

It's not really hard to obtain knowledge. But imagination lets you use that knowledge in a practical way. And not everyone has a vivid imagination.

I certainly don't.

Side: Imagination
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

What you explained was which one is more plentiful, and even though I disagree with both of those statements, I don't see how that adds to the point that Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Side: Knowledge
Warlin(1213) Disputed
1 point

Nonsense! Imagination is definitely more important than knowledge. See, you can obtain knowledge easily enough, but imagination takes time n' practice. It's all very simple stuff. Imagination leads to inventive application of knowledge. Knowledge without imagination doesn't get you very far, but imagination without knowledge leads to knowledge and progress. Very simple stuff.

Side: Imagination
1 point

To what extent is imagination a product of our knowledge? and Is knowledge obsolete without imagination?

Side: Imagination

I would say imagination because it allows a person to test our current knowledge and create new ideas. Also, in crime solving a detective has to use some imagination to piece together the crime if there is insufficient knowledge (such as the detective imagining what he would do if he were in the killers place).

Side: Imagination
2 points

Imagination is what knowledge is built up on without imagination no one could have invented anything therefore we wouldn't have the knowledge we have today.

Side: Imagination
1 point

Imagination is needed for everything for everything because if you use knowledge without doing effective.Like a catapult.You have the knowledge to build it, but if you break it you do not know how to fix it.

Side: Imagination
1 point

It depends on the person. Some people think that the modern world of bureaucracy and accountancy is best so knowledge allows one to progress further. Other people prefer imagination as it allows them to lead a more free life away from it all. Atheists tend to chose knowledge ad theists imagination, though I would pick imagination, simply because the world we're living in know isn't a very nice one! Though I much prefer being in the top set of school than with all the lumpen at the bottom, so knowledge is equally important.

Deeper down in to the psychology of it all, people who seek knowledge stick to the rules, tend to be the more prudish people and seem to be more straight laced, listening to everything they're told. The more imaginative people think outside the box, and are not restrained by modern societies rules e.t.c. Of course this is certainly not all true, just my perception of what goes on in the world, but based on what I think and what I know other people think, I get these assumptions. I know people will say " Well I'm one thing, but i don't think" blah blah blah, but there are always exceptions.

Side: Imagination
1 point

Albert Einstein-- "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world"

This quote fits perfectly.

Side: Imagination

The first sentence of that quote is where this debate came from, but I hadn't heard the second sentence. Thanks for sharing it.

Side: Imagination
1 point

To what extent is imagination a product of our knowledge?

Is knowledge obsolete without imagination?

But, what is imagination and what is knowledge?

Side: Imagination
1 point

Okay, what is knowledge without imagination? No matter how much you know, you need imagination to use it. And anyway, we wouldn't have found out anything if it weren't for imagination.

Side: Imagination
3 points

Having too vivid an imagination is painful and sometimes awkward. Knowledge is useful, especially if you have proof.

Side: Knowledge
3 points

You need knowledge to survive in this world, if you have a vivid imagination, then great you'll have a happier life, but without knowledge you won't realise it. You could be the richest man in the world but be too stupid to do anything with your money, just waste it on massive houses and sports cars you won't fully appreciate. Which is why if you're the poorest man in the world, but have knowledge, you know that you're still better of than some, in some aspects. For this reason, I would pick knowledge.

Side: Knowledge
2 points

As much as I respect Einstein, I believe him to be wrong here.

Whilst imagination is important emotionally, in reality knowing what to do in an emergency is the only damn thing that's going to save you at that moment. Sure, your imagination could assist you to find unique ways of survival but ultimately in that moment if you don't have sufficient knowledge, your imagination is rendered useless whilst without imagination the knowledge could still be useful.

Side: Knowledge
ChadOnSunday(1863) Clarified
5 points

Well Einstein was more knowledgeable than you and I put together, and apparently he thought knowledge was overrated.

Side: Imagination
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Firstly don't assume he is above me. Additionally I already told you my reasoning for him being wrong.

Side: Imagination
Jace(5222) Disputed
2 points

To be fair, imagination can be just as critical in an emergency situation. You can prepare yourself with practical knowledge, but in the end if you lack the imagination to implement that knowledge it could quite likely do you no good at all.

Also, on the record, I really value both equally. I think an uniformed imagination is just as bad as an unimaginative knowledge.

Side: Imagination
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Both are the reasons that humans are superior species but knowledge retention is more so.

Side: Imagination
zephyr20x6(2387) Disputed
1 point

Though I find your stance very agreeable, and I will admit I am not swayed either way necessarily as I think they are both valuble, however there is one thing I am pondering that I think would make a good counter argument so I shall play devil's advocate. It would seem to me that all imagination is dependent on some sort of knowledge, as every imaginable concept seems to be a manipulation, of already obtained data. Let's take into consideration the concept of, it doesn't matter really, a dragon. A completely imaginary concept, however everything about the concept can be dissected into details, that are very real. For example we imagine this creature that has wings because we are familiar with the concept of wings, there have been many creatures with wings, so the very concept of wings is knowledge; scales, we have many reptilian creatures as well, we are knowledgeable on the concept of scales, fire breathing... well that isn't logically justified, and made sense of on how that would work but the concept of breathing has been something we had knowledge over for a while, well obviously, thus our imagination allows us to create the image in our heads the idea of exhaling flame, but to imagine this would be impossible without all those details, without that knowledge correct? Though I suspect knowledge is dependent on imagination as well, and I have thoughts about that, but I felt like playing devil's advocate.

Side: Knowledge
2 points

it's knowledge of course is the most important don't be redundant.knowledge is what got us this far its how we survive.we gain knowledge to help us survive in our instead of adapting to the environment we make the environment adapt to us.

Side: Knowledge
Jace(5222) Disputed
2 points

Adaptation is at least as much a process of imaginative trouble shooting as it is knowledge based problem solving. Without imagination we would not have fire, the wheel, and so forth. Knowledge needs imagination to move forward, and imagination needs knowledge to give it direction.

Side: Imagination
11wolf(679) Clarified
1 point

They didn't actually use imagination they thought of it so it counts as knowledge. Next with out the knowledge of the wheel we couldn't have made the car.And last of all how did you know if they use imagination

Side: Imagination
2 points

Knowledge. I value that much more. .

Side: Knowledge
2 points

When I hear importance I think need.

When I think need I always go to the 'stranded on an island' scenario.

I don't know about my opponents, but I'd want to know what to do, not think about all the creative things I could do with the island's resources.

What I mean is this, in dire situation, knowledge has the potential to save you, while imagination doesn't.

Side: Knowledge
1 point

Though I find your stance very agreeable, and I will admit I am not swayed either way necessarily as I think they are both valuble, however there is one thing I am pondering that I think would make a good counter argument so I shall play devil's advocate. It would seem to me that all imagination is dependent on some sort of knowledge, as every imaginable concept seems to be a manipulation, of already obtained data. Let's take into consideration the concept of, it doesn't matter really, a dragon. A completely imaginary concept, however everything about the concept can be dissected into details, that are very real. For example we imagine this creature that has wings because we are familiar with the concept of wings, there have been many creatures with wings, so the very concept of wings is knowledge; scales, we have many reptilian creatures as well, we are knowledgeable on the concept of scales, fire breathing... well that isn't logically justified, and made sense of on how that would work but the concept of breathing has been something we had knowledge over for a while, well obviously, thus our imagination allows us to create the image in our heads the idea of exhaling flame, but to imagine this would be impossible without all those details, without that knowledge correct? Though I suspect knowledge is dependent on imagination as well, and I have thoughts about that, but I felt like playing devil's advocate.

Side: Knowledge
1 point

To what extent is imagination a product of our knowledge? Define what is knowledge and what is imagination?

Side: Knowledge
1 point

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein DO YOU AGREE?

It's very easy to compare creativity and knowledge in an abstract, metaphorical sense - but we know that our imagination is developed from the knowledge we gain in the experiences of our daily lives. So when it comes to a debate on whether we need to emphasize creativity or knowledge in education, society, etc. how can we say that one is more valuable than the other?

Are they equally important?

Side: Knowledge