
Debate Info

Biden Sanders
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Biden (4)
 Sanders (5)

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nobodyknows(745) pic

Who should get the nomination if Hillary is indicted?

If the investigation into Hillary's emails by the FBI results in an indictment and the Democratic Party decides to go with a different candidate, who should they choose?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 7

Sanders has already proven himself a loser this election cycle. The people have made it clear that they want a moderate on the Democratic side. Biden is Hillary without the unfavorables. He isn't as smart and cunning as Hillary, but he doesn't need to be to beat Trump.

Side: Biden
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Why do you like sucking Hillary's dick so much? You are making it impossible for anyone to believe you don't think she is a good choice.

Side: Sanders
nobodyknows(745) Disputed
1 point

Jesus. Calm your tits Cartman. No need to be bitter about Bernie biting the dust. It's not like every intelligent commentator was trying to tell you and your comrades that he had no chance.

Side: Biden
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

The people have also "made it clear" that they don't want the Ryan / Reagan conservative side either.

Who could vote for a party that can't even decide what THEY want?? At least Saunders and Hillary want 90% the same. Hillary wants to get it in a more practical, and economically stable way!

Hillary WONT be indicted on "Trumped up" (pun intended), RW charges!

Side: Biden
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

How has any of that happened, exactly? He has single handedly forced Hillary to abandon the pseudo-"Blue Dog" persona she has adopted for so long and pushed her solidly to the Left, whilst drawing significant attention to Left-wing issues that are generally completely ignored, all the while giving her a run for her money despite only just joining the party he ran for.

He has performed much better than most analysts predicted, while Hillary has done the opposite.

Biden, on the other hand, is good for a gaffe a minute. Don't get me wrong, he had some wonderful speeches in Congress. But he is like the goofy uncle at family gathering that doesn't quite understand why his joke about Thai prostitutes fell flat and feels the need to reiterate it.

Side: Biden
1 point

What? Joe Biden? I am all for the idea of Joe Biden being president but he has clearly stated that he does not wish to become president.

Side: Sanders