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RSS Foil7

Reward Points:346
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes the Bible condones slavery. There are verses in the Bible that are encouraging Jews to take their captured enemies as slaves and to treat them mercilessly.

1 point

Uhh it don't matter Stephen Hawkins is a legend of our time and no matter what your religious beliefs are you have to respect him. The man did so much for the science community that it cannot be put into words. He overcame the odds of not living past 30 to becoming one of the greatest humans in history. Even if an afterlife were to be real, I would think that my man would not change a thing about his beliefs.

1 point

I don't feel like reading 200 Nazi reasons why President Barack Obama was the "worst president" in US history but I will give a lot of reasons why he wasn't.

1. Obama turned around the Great Recession.

During the second half of George Bush's second term, the economy started to plummet. House prices went up while the economy was steadily declining. From 2008 to 2009, 0 jobs being created turned to 800,000 jobs being LOST. President Obama was elected promising hope and hope is what he delivered. Within Obama's first year, he turned that recession around, finally reaching jobs being created in 2010. At one point, 500,000 jobs were being created. While that has fluctuated, Obama never looked back and jobs were never at a rate where they were lost. When he left office, there were over 200,000 jobs being created.

2. Obamacare

While Obamacare had a lot of flaws, the one benefit it did was provide most citizens with coverage, regardless of income, condition, or any other factors. Obamacare allowed for citizens with pre-existing illnesses to receive coverage and benefitted low income families too. While it did cost a lot of tax payer money, other healthcare plans by different politicians have either a) cost just as much, if not, more or b) failed to work on the scale the Affordable Care Act did.

3. Pulling us out of Iraq and Afghanistan

Over 4,400 soldiers were killed in the Iraq War, which was started by Bush under the pretenses of searching for nuclear weapons, none of which were found. Obama was the president that pulled us out the war. Obama also pulled out many troops from Afghanistan after Osama bin Laden had been killed.

foil7(346) Clarified
1 point

I can't tell whether you support Obama or not but just saying that when Obama took office, the economy was in ruins due to Bush and all of the Wall Street Executives. Losing 800,000 jobs per month was carried over from the Bush administration who had been losing jobs since 2008. Throughout the first year of Obama's term, jobs were being created at a higher rate until 2010 when the over 100,000 jobs were being created in our country. At one point, over 500,000 jobs were being created. During Obama's term, jobs fluctuated but America never lost any jobs. Obama ended his term with around 200,000 jobs being created, which is still around that number in Trump's term.

1 point

I'm not Christian but I receive a Christian education at a Catholic school. I've heard many different perceptions of Hell. Here are two of the most common:

One is the perception that Hell is physical punishment, as described in the Bible or the Book of Revelations. There is eternal suffering and lakes of fire, etc.

Another is the perception that Hell is just an absence of God, and that alone drives the souls crazy knowing that God is real but isn't with them.

I'm not sure which is true, if Hell is even real.

3 points

The war started in 2001, sixteen years ago. We still have not accomplished a thing. Sure, we hunted and killed Osama bin Laden but that took 9 years, and exactly what did that do? Al-Qaeda is still a thing, but a bigger threat is ISIS. It's faded over the wayside in the past few months but it is still active and has some strongholds in the Middle East. The war looks to be over, and for good reason. The decade has been spent wasting money in foreign countries when it could be used to improve infrastructure, education, or healthcare.

1 point

I support both sides of the argument but I lean towards direct democracy. That is the actual will of the people. However, a representative democracy would be more efficient.

1 point

What about rape cases then? Did the girl want to get herself pregnant, or are you one of the rightists who think that it's the woman's fault for wearing revealing clothing and getting herself raped? Also, what if the baby is endangering the mother. Should she have to die just so a baby can be born (considering it is even alive)?

1 point

Why is this still a debate? The Declaration of Independence has a well known phrase: "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Gay marriage is people living out their life. They have the liberty to be happy with whomever they love, be it of the same gender or of the opposite gender.

1 point

As usual, a deceptive Liberal that only uses free speech arguments when it suits you.

Well there are only certain cases that free speech can be used. And it is a right promised by a law called the Constitution (ever heard of it). It doesn't suit ME, it suits the argument.

Ever hear of hate speech?

Yes, I have heard of hate speech, it's "is speech which attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender". The painting is hardly hate speech unless it's discriminatory against orange people.

Even fool Liberals should be abe to grasp what that message sends to impressionable students.

It send a negative message sure, but the students are not really impressionable (if you even know what that means). They can easily not accept the message.


Free speech

Also, the university is "diverse of thought". That is your quote. Therefore, they should be able to paint what they want to.

I'm not agreeing with their message but they have every right to paint it, whether the head be Trump's, Hillary's, or Obama's.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: New England Patriots
Tied Positions: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton
Winning Position: Hillary Clinton 2016
Winning Position: Unresolved
Tied Positions: No, that is murder! vs. Yes, he was hurting the boy.
Winning Position: Unresolved

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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