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Debate Score:139
Total Votes:159
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 FDR (58)
 RR (47)

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Thejackster(518) pic

Who was a better President? Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan

The historical champion of american liberalism vs the historical champion of american conservatism


Side Score: 68


Side Score: 71
2 points

FDR will be remembered as the man who led america through the great depression and WWII, Reagan will be remembered as a man who supported terrorists and overspent on military

Side: FDR
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
2 points

Yeah, because that's what Reagan is remembered for, right? Lol give me a break! At least Reagan didn't have foreknowledge of an impending attack on the United States and do nothing about it.

Side: RR

Yeah, because that's what Reagan is remembered for, right? Lol give me a break! At least Reagan didn't have foreknowledge of an impending attack on the United States and do nothing about it.

Also putting the Japanese into camps....

Side: RR
Thejackster(518) Disputed
1 point

Reagan armed the Taliban in their war in the soviets in the 80's

Side: FDR
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

It is pretty obvious that Reagan will not be remembered for that. The Republicans are always talking about how great he was, and the Democrats don't really argue that they are wrong. So, Reagan will be remembered as a good president.

Side: RR
Thejackster(518) Disputed
1 point

FDR helped the poor, RR helped the rich

FDR led us through a depression, RR lead us deeper into a recession

FDR fought the forces of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, RR falsely took credit for breaking up the USSR

FDR gave relief to minorities, RR painted them as second class citizens whom live off welfare

FDRs New Deal kept the poor from starving, Reganomics gave breaks to huge buisnesses who prey on the lower class

Side: FDR
Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

You should see the isolationist policies that he backed before the US joined WWII. By refusing to sell the British empire ships, he almost cost them, and the entire world dearly


Side: RR
Thejackster(518) Disputed
1 point

He secretly supplied the British with volunteer Fighter pilots from the US to help fight the Germans before the US even entered the war

Side: FDR
2 points

Roosevelt's new deal reshaped American economics for about a century, he regulated businesses, passed the National Industrial Recovery Act and guided America out of the great depression. Reagan had sold weapons to Iran and increased out debt.

Side: FDR
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
2 points

Roosevelt was behind the Manhattan Project, which basically led to the Cold War. Now we have threats of Nuclear warfare across the globe that could literally lead to the destruction of all civilization. All of this can be traced back to a decision that FDR made during his presidency.

Side: RR
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
2 points

Without the Manhattan Project we could still be fighting the second world war!

Side: FDR
2 points

I think Reagan may have been the worst president we ever had, he is at least in the top 3.

Side: FDR
1 point

While FDR was by no means perfect, he certainly did more than any other President in the history of the United States has done, to relieve the plight of the most vulnerable in society and ensure stability in the economy.

People often argue that the New Deal did not restore economic growth and vitality -- and they'd be right. However, the problem here was not that he was prescribing the wrong medicine, it was that he wasn't prescribing enough of it. In fact, like Obama today, he perhaps carried out a fatal mistake, in cutting back the role of the government in 1937, instead seeking a balanced budget to calm misguided inflationary fears. It was only after WW2, with huge stimulus spending, that America bounced back.

Nonetheless, when one looks at Glass-Steagal, the alphabet agencies, the efforts he made both to mitigate the instabilities of finance capital, and to ensure there were jobs and a relief for the long-term unemployed.

Reagan, on the other hand, began a process which has come to cripple the US economy. From deregulation to deunionisation, banks and businesses were allowed to operate as if they were bandits in the Wild West; meanwhile, worker's protections were all but stripped away, the false theory of monetarism became the dominant philosophy in how to run the economy, and -- lest we forget -- Reagan was a war criminal.

Many of the social ills we face today come from the sort of society and worldview Reagan and his proponents promoted, that remain to this day.

Side: FDR

Ronald Reagan even admitted that FDR was a wonderful President.

Side: FDR
2 points

He was a better Politician and abuser of power.

In the end, this is all a president has to be to be deemed successful. ;)

FDR didn't really do anything remarkable and although the 'remarkable' things RR did perhaps had negative aftermaths, he actually bothered to do something and really put his neck out there for USA.

Better attitude, more assertiveness and extreme efficiency make RR the superior President. Corrupt or not, he is superior.

Side: RR
Thejackster(518) Disputed
2 points

In that case hitler was the best leader of Germany cause he had more assertiveness and really stuck his neck out for Germany and bothered to do something, see how your logic doesn't make sense?

Side: FDR
Depressed(355) Disputed
2 points

Would you argue otherwise? ;)

Side: RR
2 points

Reagan didn't sign an executive order to imprison people just because they had Japanese heritage

Side: RR
2 points

The New Deal paved the way for our monster government that we have today (not completely, the Federal Reserve also had to do with it). and while Ronald Reagan expanded the war on drugs, FDR made marijuana illegal for the first time. Sure, we can blame Congress or the Senate, but Reagan has just as much power as FDR when it comes to government's involvement with drugs.

Reagan and FDR are both kind of assholes, but i'd say Reagan was at least a bit less of an asshole due to his philosophy of "less" government, even though he expanded the military. FDR was more like "fuck you, government must grow... grow ... GROW!!!" which still exists in the minds of elitists and Fascists today.

Oh, right, and FDR detained Japanese, Italians, and Germans for being Japanese, Italian, or German.

Both were war mongers, but Reagan was more of a Bush style War monger, while FDR was more just responsible for the Manhattan Project "lol, you want to create something that could possibly blow a hole in our atmosphere? go ahead".

I'd say when it comes to comparing presidents, it makes more sense to ask "who was worse?"

Side: RR
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
3 points

The New Deal paved the way for our monster government that we have today

So you think the US would have been better off with the great depression for the rest of the 20th century, I hate to tell you this but Ayn Rand laissez faire capitalism is completely outdated if we had no regulations on businesses,if we had no Federal Reserve, if we had no National Industrial Recovery Act there would be no middle class, the middle class would simply be non existent! Don't believe me? The top 1% has 40% of the nations wealth, now just imagine laissez faire capitalism applied to that. case closed

Side: FDR
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

The New Deal did not fix the economy. It actually slowed down economic recovery until the War increased debt and passed on the debt to future citizens.

Ayn Rand laissez faire capitalism is completely outdated if we had no regulations on businesses,if we had no Federal Reserve, if we had no National Industrial Recovery Act there would be no middle class, the middle class would simply be non existent! Don't believe me? The top 1% has 40% of the nations wealth, now just imagine laissez faire capitalism applied to that. case closed

Not sure if trolling, but here we go:

Ayn Rand did not create Laissez Faire Capitalism. In fact, she still supported government and the Federal Reserve. She supported Aristocracies. She was just more for economic liberty than the progressive movement of the time (and the Socialists from her home country.) Most Market Anarchist views do not come from Ayn Rand. She's just a philosopher/writer that is influential in our view-points, but there are plenty of things that she conflicts with Libertarians and Anarchists.

As for the rest, clearly the regulations and Federal Reserve have failed considering that the top 1% has 40% of the nation's wealth. Don't believe me? You just said it.

Side: RR
Thejackster(518) Disputed
2 points

Well in that case its very clear that it was reagan who was the worst

Side: FDR

Ronald Reagan didn't put people into Japanese-American internment camps now did he?

Supporting Evidence: Japanese America Interment Article (
Side: RR
1 point

FDR had a lot good ideas, but he is the classic Fascist liberal. He was elected four times, attempted to water down the supreme court, unsuccessfully tried to stifle dissent within the democratic party. Father Charles Coughlin is the classic example where FDR used his covert powers to crush his critics. If you did not have a blue New Deal sticker at your place of business, his undercover mob would make sure you did.

Side: RR
1 point

They were both great presidents, and they both had their faults. I just respect RR more than I respect FDR. FDR also how way longer in office than RR so he had more time to get things done.

Side: RR