
Debate Info

Jesus Thor
Debate Score:43
Total Votes:43
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 Jesus (15)
 Thor (20)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Who would you most likely invest your faith in, Jesus or Thor?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 27
1 point

I want some fish and wine and to go to Heaven. Thor would just smash stuff, which is kinda cool, but not as cool as multiplying fish.

Side: Jesus

Although I agree with you that fish swim in schools, I don't think they are taught how to multiply ;)

Side: Jesus
1 point

But I hear Valhalla is much nicer especially for warrior types.

Side: Thor
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

I heard this one passage from the Viking afterlife book or something like that and it said something like: "Oh that was a good move how you cut my head off today, but I'll have some tricks for you tomorrow."

Side: Jesus
1 point

Well I ain't from the Germanic tribes, so I'll stick to religion rather than mythology.

Side: Jesus
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

Then why are you one Jesus's side if you don't want to follow mythology?

Side: Thor
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I'm guessing its because there is a difference between religion and mythology

Side: Jesus
Kururai(167) Disputed
1 point

Mythology:A collection of myths, esp. one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition.

Religion:The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

There are similarities, but they are in fact different.

Side: Jesus
1 point

Jesus died for my sin. I have to go with the Man. :)

Side: Jesus
2 points

But Thor died to prevent a giant serpent from destroying the world.

Side: Thor
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

But Jesus created the world, and took on the conservatives, liberals, and the Roman Empire. That is so much more cool than Thor would ever be. :D

Side: Jesus
2 points

Thor is definitely cooler, and he has a hammer: and is probably the inspiration behind eragon's roran and wheel of time's perrin.

Side: Thor

But wouldn't Jesus be more practical at a party? I mean..., He could feed a whole bunch of people with just one fish ;)

Side: Thor
1 point

He can turn water to wine as well ; )

Side: Thor
2 points

The muscleman wins.


The belief that some zombie can grant them salvation by drinking it's blood and eating it's flesh and pledging their name to him.


Side: Thor
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Completely overly simplistic interpretation of the mericles of reserection and assention. As well as a clear miss explanation of a sacrid religious practice. And a clear demonization of vesting ones faith in a higher power which people have every right to do if they so chose. Laides and gentlemen I give you the atheist champion dushebag of the earth

Side: Jesus

You have to admit, that image makes a strong point. Wait..., I'm going to get hell for this..., ain't I ;)

Side: Thor
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I like to think god has a seance of humor. But some prayers couldn't hurt.

Side: Jesus
1 point

Jesus couldn't even lift a speck of dust (every picture of that hippy is that of a lanky dude; no muscles at all), never mind a hammer.

Side: Thor

Maybe, but He was the first to do that "flipping tables" meme ;)

Side: Thor
Kururai(167) Disputed
1 point

Jesus was the son of a carpenter (expert in using tools)....

Side: Jesus

Do you think He ever made any carpenter jokes like, "Mary Magdalene is a carpenter's dream..., flat as a board and easy to nail ;)"

Side: Jesus
1 point

There is no proof of Jesus's existence. Nor is there proof of Thor. Thor is more interesting in my own humble opinion, and Thor is also more original (look up Mithra, if you don't believe me, or Dionysus)

Side: Thor

But wouldn't Jesus be more practical at party? I mean..., you would never have to buy wine ever again :)

Side: Thor
Kururai(167) Disputed
1 point

There is historical proof of the existence of Jesus. Perhaps not the miracles he did, but he was indeed a living person.

Side: Jesus
HiNRa(15) Disputed
1 point

Indeed, there was probably a man named Jesus, possibly even a preacher. It was actually a fairly common name at the time.

Side: Thor
Kururai(167) Disputed
1 point

Also, there would be no need to look up Mithra, who originated from Mitra, and was a Persian Deity, which was existing in a different time since Norse mythology was created by the Germanic tribes, which existed from c. 1700 BC to c. 500 BC. Also, Thor is the God of Thunder. Mithra is associated with the Sun, and original Persian God of War (which ended up creating Verethragna, Persian God of Victory). Of course, after Verethragna, he was no longer in that position.

Side: Jesus
HiNRa(15) Disputed
1 point

The reason I said to look up Mithra was that the story of Jesus follows an uncanny resemblance to that of Mithra.

Side: Thor

Yeah well Jesus doesn't exist. So I guess that makes us even doesn't it?

Side: Thor

GASP!!!! Blasphemy ;)

Side: Thor

I love Norse mythology, it seemed so much more interesting from what I read, like literally superheroes of their time. There was good guys, bad guys, neutral guys, everyone had a back story, they alm had different abilities. I sometimes wonder if superheroes will in a sense replace old mythology. The stories of christianity... Are strange... Like the twighlight zones. Somewhat nonsensical to me.

Side: Thor