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 Why does the bible not mention dinosaurs? (17)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Why does the bible not mention dinosaurs?

We know they exsisted so why did'nt the bible mention giant lizard like creatures?

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5 points

The Bible is about preaching religion. I think God knew that preaching to dinosaurs wouldn't have much effect. As well as this, it might go a bit too off-topic for the synospsis describing the bible - and God wouldn't have wanted that. The people who wrote the bible cared about fish and feeding people five thousand at a time with scraps; they weren't interested in scary lizards.

Because it's a fictional fairy tale written primarily by a bunch of socially rejected, uneducated, desert dwelling savages. Not a whole lot of paleontologists in that insane little posse.

2 points

Larry King and Betty White weren't around back then... duh.

1 point

Well think of this way in one verse it mentions a dragon. So could the dragon in the bible be what we call a pterodactyl.

And what scientists have basically done is get a bunch a bones make them fit together and say they've got a new dinosaur discovery... For all we know there may not of been many at all, scientists can only go by bones.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point


BTW, it's pterosaur. No serious scientist calls a pterosaur a "pterodactyl".

Vermink(1942) Disputed
2 points

Whoa, sorry I honestly didn't know that bearing in mind I made this argument over 500 days ago I don't even agree with it anymore. I called it a pterodactyl because that is the name given in every dinosaur book I own and I have never actually heard the name pterosaur given too it.

1 point

Well, it does mention "behemoths", but back then, it could mean anything, such as monsters under the bed or just leviathans that guard the edge of the world. (That is in the Bible.)

Even if it did mention dinosaurs, it's not like fossils have only been found now.

It's possible for people waay back to have found massive fossils from dinosaurs and assume that they might still exist...

1 point

Job 40 and 41...

The term dinosaur was coined in the 1800s

1 point

behemoth: ox of the water

and leviathan: serpent

are not necessarily dinosaurs and are perfectly explainable in ways that do not disagree with several lines of scientific evidence - e.g. hippo and crocodile

lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

Hippos have "tail[s] stiff like a cedar"? Keep trying

1 point

The Bible doesn't go into specifics as to 'what is real and what was made up'; that isn't the goal of the bible. For example, the Bible has no record of New World plants such as potatoes and corn.

Why does the bible not mention dinosaurs?

We know they exsisted so why did'nt the bible mention giant lizard like creatures?

Why doesn't Richard Dawkins God Delusion talk about sports?

Because the Bible was written way afterwards and mankind back then did not know of their existence.

I think because those who wrote the Bible did not know about their existence.