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Rogue Rascal(9480) pic

Why hate me and not Hellno or Joe or Dana? Neither give anything constructive to

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8 points

Why people hate you? First, I wouldn't say people hate you. Why are they not happy with you let me share in two phases

1. When you first joined the site


2. Your current situation:

When you first joined, you were debating fine. Very quickly you started doing the troll routine, became extremely profane, created 10's of user IDs, created many point farming communities, and when I attempted to "ban" you, you decided to do even more of the above.

In your current situation you have become less of a troll, not as profane, but still more than my liking, and through my attempt to make nice with you have point farming communities which can help you "farm" points at an extreme rate.

Whenever I ask you to conform, you threaten me with HARM to the site. That is what can't be tolerated.

Why I really don't like you being here is that I have had to add back ALL of my spam filtering which slows activity on the site, slows and in some cases impedes registration and generally is a pain for all the people who play nice on the site.

Do I want you gone? No, but I do want you to play nicely in the sandbox. If you can't play nicely in the sandbox, then yes I would prefer you not be part of the community.

Now, let's address the other three:

Joe - Joe is a troll...a humorous troll. I like Joe...Joe does not try to HARM the site. Joe trys to HELP the site!

Hellno - I have no idea why Hellno should be on this list at all? I don't know anything Hellno does that could be interpreted negatively. Hellno does not try to HARM the site. Hellno is constantly sharing things with me that HELP the site!

Dana - Dana has some personal issues she is dealing with. That doesn't excuse her behavior, but she does try to make up for things when something in her control has gone bad. Dana does not try to HARM the site.

Are you able to see the differences?


1 point

Hellno bullies me daily.

Nox0(1393) Disputed Banned
0 points

You are fucking SCAM .

1 point

I really enjoyed your speech Andy very specific but not mean. .

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

And I have turned my life over to Yeshua. Expect more good changes. :)

3 points

Joe provides entertainment value to people other than himself. Joe posts valid arguments as well.

Dana is hateable, and people who she personally attacks have problems with her. But, she is not trying to be a jerk to people.

Hellno hassles his targets and doesn't bother people who mind their own business.

You tend to take away from the discussion with random thoughts and no explanation, so it is like talking to a wall. You argue both sides of the debate this way making it "fun" for everyone. And you don't discriminate, you seem to be everywhere.

Most of the people on this site don't care if you are overall being constructive. As long as you don't bother them they don't care, they will even say you are a good debater when you are not.

1 point

Hellno is a load of shit.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I believe the fact that you think that makes him happy and that's why he keeps doing it.

I would like to point out how that is just a random thought with no explanation.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

In your opinion.

1 point

Like I said, I got saved recently and I am trying to be a better person. .

1 point

With your last couple of accounts, you seem to have made a little bit of an effort try to be less trollish and less abusive. But as it turns out, you were still abusing certain people in what would be termed "cyber stalking"; which is pretty disturbing. And sadly you're still a very abusive person when you don't get your way; as evidence by your last message to me. Given that you have absolutely no respect for anyone, despite being given respect, I can't see why you be so silly as to start demanding respect from people.

His point is that why do you hate him for his "trolling" actions if you wont equally judge them. They do separate trollish things yet nobody decides to point them out.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

Joe is not near as bad (to me personally) when it comes to his 'trolling.' I have had an encounter or two with him about trolling and he seemed to respect the fact that some of us would like to see it stop.

I'm done with the trolling and other personal drama though.

It doesn't matter to me who is doing it.

Thanks Andy, for doing what you can.

1 point

I suppose they don't actively run around verbally abusing people. That's the difference.

Elvira(3441) Banned
1 point

It could be termed sexual harassment, I guess...? Hellno, Joe and Dana do not do that.

0 points

Just because I find you sexy.

0 points

Just because I find you sexy...

BTW Dana does it a lot and so does Joe.

Elvira(3441) Clarified Banned
1 point

Harassment and innuendo are different things.

1 point

You annoy me. Intensely. You have nothing of any interest to contribute to this site. You're an unwanted burden and no one else here likes you. Not even yourself. yepp, even your alter-ego Bikinilover and Prodigee tole me so..