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funckygarcon(20) pic

Why is Jesus Depicted as a white man?

is it because the artist who drew him in the first place was white? or is it because of the white man complex? I just don't understand it, Jesus was born in Palestine. and people there have a dark skin, kinda brownish. so he wasn't black nor was he white. so why do churches insist on drawing pictures of him with a white skin? you may ask: are you a racist? hell no, I swear since I first heard about racism, I vowed to myself to never disrespect anyone based on their race, ever!! It's just that it is so degrading to everyone to know that Jesus wasn't white but is still depicted as white. why can't they draw him with his real skin colour? are they afraid to lose the majority of their followers (white people?)

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As you said yourself, the majority of Christians are probably white, that means the white people were those who experimented with painting Jesus first.

If the black people were the first to draw Jesus, he would probably be black till this day. But the catholics were all white.

yes, but experimenting with something first, doesn't give you the right to claim it your own. being an artist, and promoting art should all be about honesty in the depiction of things. and when they first drew him, why didn't they take into account his place of birth and ethnicity, for a honest depiction? my guess is: their white superiority complex kicked in.

1 point

For centuries Jesus was painted white because the people believing in him where white. It is not till the past 2 or 3 centuries TOPS that black people believed in Jesus too.

So if Jesus was being painted white for all this time, it is a little odd to suddenly start painting him black.

AREKKUSU(272) Disputed
1 point

yes, but experimenting with something first, doesn't give you the right to claim it your own.

You are correct. But history has shown us that it DOES give them the right to depict it as they like. Think of science for a second. All of the thoerys' out there are depicted the way the person who 'experimented/discovered' it wants it to be. Most math equasions, like the quadratic formula(As a simple example) can be writen in more than one way, so why are we only taught the ones that were orrigionally found? The answer should be obvious. It's to 'glorify' the finder. In this case, we glorified christians. It's not illigal to draw a black Jesus, so anyone that wants to, go ahead.

please everybody, before starting any debate, understand that it's not about race, I couldn't care less. It's about honesty in the depiction of things and nothing else.

C'est vrai!! En France our churches have a white Jesus. Jesus is white because the people imagining him had white skin. Same for Adam et Eve. They likely did not have skin that is white.

Tu parles francais, hein? Je suis Egyptien, main j'ai vécu en France pour 5 ans, les 5 annees les plus belles de ma vie !!

oui, je parie qu'Adam et Eve n'étaient pas blancs aussi.

1 point

Because Michael Angelo depicted him that way. Nobody truly knows what Jesus looked like.

1 point

Because da Vinci's model for Jesus was Ceasare Borgia, and da Vinci was a very successful artist.

1 point

He was 5'2'' tall Arab jew .

1 point

Because when you're writing any novel its very important that it appeals to you intended audience. Most Christians are white.

the rule of supply and demand shouldn't have anything to do with religion and its symbol

1 point

White is a symbol of purity. Even though the white man isn't a pure being that is still what it represents.

maybe...I'm reluctant to take this as the reason or motive

Considering he was Jewish, they tend to be whitish.-------

because most christians are white maybe soon theyll change him to hispanic

It all has to do with the Renaissance paintings. Europe is Caucasian.