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 Will Donald J. Trump bring religious unification to the USA by kicking out Muslims? (5)

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lphillips(8) pic

Will Donald J. Trump bring religious unification to the USA by kicking out Muslims?

Many people see Donald Trump as the savior for eliminating Muslims from his rallies and disallowing them to enter the USA (if he becomes president), while others see him as the anti-christ for doing so.
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3 points

No, as far as I am concerned, he does not want to get rid of all imigrants, but only the illegal ones. I hardly believe he would be able to that, by the way

Seeing as how the United States is not made up of only two religious groups, I'd say the answer is pretty clearly "no"/

1 point

No, and hopefully not. Islam and Christianity are not the only two religions. Just remember, I'm Buddhist and I'm not converting. Also, there is freedom of religion in the US, and Donald Trump(et) can't change that.

From a total agnostic point of view - Islam is not compatible with secular/pluralistic society so they don't deserve to live here. Sometimes Xtians can be self-righteous , but I think they mostly agree on secular law.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

As a "Total Agnostic", I utterly disagree. Islamic Fundamentalism isn't compatible with secular/pluralistic society, but Islam, like all other religions, is non-uniform. The existence of plenty of American Muslims who have lived here for a long time fully integrated proves that.

Well, he didn't say he would ban the immigration of Muslims. He said he would ban them until he could figure out what the hell they were up to. His statement came shortly after the Muslim atrocity at San Bernardino, CA, in which 14 people were killed and 17 injured. Prior to that in July 2015 there was the Chattanooga, T N, slaughter of 5 U.S.Citizens with 2 injuries by a Muslim at a naval centre. There is a gruesome catalogue of Muslim murderous atrocities which are too lengthy to print separately, but since 9/11 there have been 48 Muslim attacks in the United States with 89 Americans being murdered and countless seriously injuries. With 9/11 included this figure goes up to 3085 U.S. citizens killed on American soil. Muslims-Americans killed in revenge=1. Mark Stroman was sentenced to death for his crime, whereas Islamic killers of Americans are hououred and extolled by the Muslim hierarchy. Where are the mass anti- Islamic terrorist marches by Muslims? Where are the open condemnations of Islamic atrocities by the Muslim clergy. Dear fools, they don't exist. If Donald Trump didn't express some emotion at these damnable figures he should not be considered for election. Muslims do not integrate into any of the societies which they infest throughout the world, but instead form and remain in their self made squalid enclaves in which they practice their own brutal customs such as female genital mutilation and administer their savage Muslim sharia laws. It is the ''bleeding heart brigade who are aiding and abetting the Islamization of the western countries and while it is important to BEWARE OF THE MUSLIM, it is of greater importance to BEWARE OF MUSLIM SYMPATHIZERS AND APPEASERS.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Let's be honest: The total number of deaths from Islamic Terrorism in the United States since 9/11 isn't anywhere near as high as the number of domestic homicides, or even traffic fatalities. Of those, us white men are the primary responsible group. Yet he isn't saying we should prevent white men from coming here until we figure out what us folk are doing, now is he?

Of course not, because that doesn't make any sense. Not only is it impossible to verify if someone is or is not a Muslim, but trying to figure out what an immensely diverse population of over a billion people are doing is obviously illogical.

It was race baiting. That's it.