
Debate Info

Will Eat dirt bront
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Will (1)
 Eat dirt bront (2)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Will the Democrat slogan in 2020 be if you like your baby you can keep your baby



Side Score: 1

Eat dirt bront

Side Score: 2
1 point

At the southern border it DEFINITLY will. Otherwise it wont even be in the platform, it's a given.

Side: Will
1 point

Right. Because a kid doesn't need saved until its most likely voting trend is clear. Pardon me if I give blank stares to a pro murder party that acts concerned about kids that it ignored throughout Obama's entire Presidency.

Side: Eat dirt bront
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well said, using the right wing play card, but, we ALL know that's BS. At least all of U.S. that lived through it with our eyes open. Not a word of truth in your rant.

OK, time for a bunch of web addresses programmed to twist that "truth". Enjoy wasting your time. The Obama's loved children, Michelle concentrated on bettering their world, wouldn't let that crap happen.

Side: Will
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