
Debate Info

I believe my lying eyes Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 I believe my lying eyes (3)
 Trump can do no wrong (2)

Debate Creator

excon(18261) pic

With our own eyes, we SAW the world laugh AT Trump.. He says they laughed WITH him.

I believe my lying eyes

Side Score: 9

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 4
5 points

Excon Today

"we SAW the world laugh AT Trump"

Excon in the past

"Trump is like me."

"I always THOUGHT I could run things BETTER than our politicians. I shoot from the hip too.. Apparently, that WORKS pretty good.

Are we seeing the END of politicians running things?? "

-Excon Trump islikeMEThatswhyIDONTlikehimShouldaguylikemeRUNthings

Side: I believe my lying eyes
3 points

I'm rooting for the world to laugh. 4/7 of the world are Communists. 1/7 are under Sharia. 1/7 believe Kali Ma sits on Shiva's face on top of a magic turtle in outer space. Half of the rest can't figure out what gender they are or what bathroom to use.

Side: I believe my lying eyes
3 points

We saw the whole video. They laughed at his laugh line, the same style he uses at all of his rallies. This is exactly why the Kavanaugh smear isn't working. No one believes a word Democrats say.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
AlphaBowser(87) Disputed
1 point

Shut up outlaw, you neo nazi hillbilly pantywaste.

Side: I believe my lying eyes
1 point

Who cares what the rest of the world thinks? I sure don't.

Side: Trump can do no wrong