
Debate Info

Dictionary Nomencrotch
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Dictionary (3)
 Nomencrotch (2)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2
1 point

Merriam-Webster defines "defense" as....

"capability of resisting attack"


"means or method of defending or protecting oneself, one's team, or another"

Side: Dictionary

I have never argued against the dictionary definition of defence, so your thread is another boring and outrageously dishonest straw man argument. It is the precise opposite of the truth. Attack is an antonym of defence and you have argued for the last three days that they are synonyms which can be used interchangeably.

You are literally as dishonest as they come.

Side: Nomencrotch
1 point

You are literally a banana gobbling, poo throwing, ass sniffing chimpanzee. Prove me wrong.

Side: Dictionary
1 point

You are literally a banana gobbling, poo throwing, ass sniffing chimpanzee. Prove me wrong.

Chimpanzees don't have access to the internet.

Side: Nomencrotch