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 Would you die/kill for anything? (23)

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DrawFour(2662) pic

Would you die/kill for anything?

If so who/what and why? If not, I'm interested in reading why not as well.

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1 point

I wouldn't die for anything....that's just dumb.

I would kill for fun, but only like terrorists. Protect da innerscents!

1 point

Yupp. Would you?

I would die for someone I care about, especially a romantic partner or a son/daughter. And I would kill for survival of those I care about and myself.

Hhmm... that's literally everything I would die/kill for. I honestly couldn't care less about a "cause", such as the survival of a country or the administration of justice; as long as those I care about are good, I'm good.

As an extension to my response I will say that if a cause is in the best interest of someone I care about, then I will fight for the cause. Example: I will fight for a country if those I care about who live in said country, may be harmed if it falls.

1 point

I would die for those I love because love is laying down your live for others.

1 point

Die/kill for merely anything? I see that as quite impractical and absurd. Are there specific things that I would die/kill for? Yes. Anything? No.

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I asked what in the description.

1 point

Then clarify the main question so those who don't read the description won't make the same mistake.

1 point

I would die for someone I dearly love but I wouldn't die for an object because that would be stupid, I wouldn't get to use it but I wouldn't kill someone for my gain either because I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt of taking some ones life away. No sort of object could be so essential to me that I would kill someone to get it.

1 point

I would both kill and die for some people in my life. Just some of them and that's about it.