
Debate Info

I'll take the fish I'm a banana gobbler
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 I'll take the fish (2)
 I'm a banana gobbler (4)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28599) pic

Would you like a free clown fish?

I have a clown fish swimming in my toilet bowl. Would anyone like to claim it before I push flush?

I'll take the fish

Side Score: 2

I'm a banana gobbler

Side Score: 4
1 point

is it too late for the fish?

Side: I'll take the fish
1 point

Not as far as you know. Wanna come over and look at the fish? Ignore the cave where it puts the lotion on its skin.

Side: I'm a banana gobbler
1 point

I would enjoy looking at the fish. what time should i arrive?

Side: I'm a banana gobbler
1 point

Regular inspection and maintenance of your aquarium is necessary to maintain fish health and water quality. Monitor the water parameters, use filters and heaters, and your fish will feel great. First, you need to do изучить Fish tank info Fish tank info about the aquarium before choosing your fish. When choosing aquarium inhabitants, it is important to consider their compatibility. Some species coexist peacefully, while others can become aggressive. You should also consider the size of the aquarium, as different species require different amounts of water and swimming area.

Side: I'll take the fish
1 point

also i am not a banana gobbler but i do enjoy a good tickle every now and than?

Side: I'm a banana gobbler
1 point

You have a real hard on for this site don't you. Impressive. Keep keep twapping my friend. You keep this site going.

Side: I'm a banana gobbler