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Europe should give back stuff dont want to give back to a
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Europe should give back stuff (1)
 dont want to give back to a (2)

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yudanirangel(6) pic

africa and europe

So Europe has all the artifacts of Africa and I think that Africa used get their things back and return everything that they ''stole''even tho the artifacts are safer in Europe but they used still give it back to the Africans because its their acestors stuff. #Give it back

Europe should give back stuff

Side Score: 2

dont want to give back to a

Side Score: 2
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Give it back when the Muslims give back millions of acres of land they stole through imperialism and land seiges in the Middle East.

Just holding leftists to their own standards.

Side: dont want to give back to a
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

Give it back when the Muslims give back millions of acres they stole through imperialism and land seiges in the Middle East.

Shut up moron. You don't have any problem with land grabs when Jews or Christians do it.

Side: Europe should give back stuff
1 point

I don't have any problems that Muslims did it. It's your own stupid leftist standard. I'm holding you to it. Eat it monkey boy.


Side: dont want to give back to a