
Debate Info

noodle berries
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 noodle (2)
 berries (2)

Debate Creator

DragonBorn(315) pic

dissing everyone

claiming democratic socialism is social democracy
is AlofRI's total hypocrisy
his boastful mockery
of far-leftist ideology
denotes that he probably
took philosophy
in college, he
majored in sophistry
and went on to be
another cog in the idiocracy
 and Nom believes
that Bronto is honestly
composed of a composite of greed
lies, and debauchery
But I tend to posit the hypotheses
that he's actually just a pawn that needs
treatment psychologically
cause' he's been brainwashed it seems
and he lost his pen-is in Vietnam, ya see
I gotta be
honest I never washed the jeans

that I'm wearing right now, but I still smell better
than a drunk hillbilly hick capitalising random letters
because he loves capitalism like he loves his sister
I wanna give him a titty twister
and viciously fist her
while the lily liver licks me directly up in me knickers
I simply snicker
at the idiots words, it's clear he's addicted to liquor

I'm so intellectual
it makes Mingi pinch his testicles
The interdimensional
aliens he worships are detestable
his posts represent a full
on assault on objective, cold
hard facts, his claims are indefensible
he's got the densest skull
 which is detrimental to his attempts to present the bull
shit he preaches as being sensible


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
2 points

I love you man. Your lyrics always make me chuckle. Keep dropping that flow.

Side: noodle
BrainInAJar(57) Disputed
1 point

Put me back in your head. You dropped me back at your debate about liking swastika shaped pepperonis on your pizza.

Side: berries
1 point

A whole stanza for me and it was the best-flowing one. I am grateful and honoured.

Side: noodle
2 points

and he lost his pen-is in Vietnam

Cool. I fought in Vietnam when I was a baby. I did not know this. I was another war decades down the road. Excon fought in Vietnam. He's also in his 70s. As Vietnam was ending, I was coming into the world.

Side: berries