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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 yes (4)
 no (3)

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peterham14(52) pic

people should live in whatever country they want


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 6

I agree. If someone is not happy in the country where he or she resides, such a person should make the decision to emigrate to another country where they know that a happier life awaits.

Side: yes
1 point

Provided the emigrant is content to abide by the laws of their new country and not try to circumvent them. This would also encompass making the effort to integrate with the culture and recognising how a possible difference in customs may alter one’s lifestyle.

Side: yes

Provided the emigrant is content to abide by the laws of their new country and not try to circumvent them. This would also encompass making the effort to integrate with the culture and recognising how a possible difference in customs may alter one’s lifestyle. doodle jump

Side: yes

Assuming the immigrant is content to follow the rules established by their new home country. This would also include making an effort to assimilate, as well as being aware of how any differences in customs could affect one's way of life. idle breakout

Side: yes
2 points

Yes and no. (Not sure how to do that here). That is, the answer is much deeper than the question. People generally DO have the right to live in whatever country they want, subject to that countries immigration and naturalization laws. So, if I decide one day, I wish to live in Swtizerland, I must contact the Swiss government first, and express my desire to do so. If the country has the resources to support me, and has some use for me, or if I am retired, and wish to spend my retirement money on their economy, and if I'm willing to go through a citizenship program, orientation classes, etc., then generally, a country will issue the appropriate paperwork, and invite you to come in. If I just buy a plane ticket, (one way), to Switzerland, then rent an apartment, and never have any dealings with the government, then I am an unwelcome guest. If discovered, they will have me leave their country until such time as I go through the proper channels to be there. So yes.....I should be able to live in any country I would like. No.....I shouldn't be able to do it outside of the laws of that country. It throws off their census, their tax structure, it drains resources that weren't alloted for because of the skewed census, and inadequate taxing, and to top it all off, I am living as an outlaw. A criminal.

Side: no

Not without the permission of those who live in the country you want to reside in. I don't want a bunch of backwoods, Stone Age people who don't want to assimilate coming to our country. Visiting or immigrating to another country is not a right, it's a privilege.

Side: no

Absolutely NOT!!! Liberals should be shipped of to some socialist country. There are plenty of those. They should leave capitalists here in the U.S.A. alone to be capitalists. Just like they are leaving the indigenous people in the Amazon Rain Forest, that have never had any contact with modern societies, alone to live their simple lives unhindered.

Personally, I don't care what they do with the libs as long as they don't try to turn this country into what it was before Trump made it great again. Hell, they can send the libs to Mars for all I care ;)

Side: no
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

They should leave capitalists here in the U.S.A. alone to be capitalists.

Lol. Sure, because obviously it's the socialist countries known for sending their troops everywhere on Earth.

Oh no, hang on. I just checked and it says the US currently has military personnel in 150 of 195 countries.

Side: yes
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

It's not like they're not getting anything out of it ;)

Side: yes