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 what were the last 3 things you prayed for? (10)

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westernslave(695) pic

what were the last 3 things you prayed for?

and what were the results?

0 for 3?

1 for 3?

2 for 3?

undecided still?

or does god really love you? THREE FOR THREE!!! YES!!! AMEN!!!

please give some details to what those prayers/wishes entailed ;)


and overall...about what % of ALL your prayers have been answered?

afterwards, ask it worth? am i spending my time wisely?

one last thing...think of the day you finally die, how much time do you suppose will have been devoted to the concept of god/religion?

as a atheist (since age 8) i can admit...ive put WAY TOO MUCH thought into these shenanigans 

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2 points

I pray for the poor to be taken from this Earth so that they no longer have to suffer. Considering how many people are killed each year in the ghetto, I think my prayers are being answered ;)

Considering how many people die each year due to wars, etc., I think my prayers are being answered world wide ;)

1 point

2 for 1? Oh dang, that is success. ;)

2 points

1. A betterer brain. It got worser.

2. I prayed for my sister to stop doing drugs. She started doing heroin.

3. I prayed for an endless supply of gas in my car. Nothing happened.

maybe youre not doing it right...are getting down on your knees and looking upwards when you prey?

Yes. There was a ceiling in the way though. Could that be the problem?

2 points

Proof of a god. 3 times. 0 for 3. .

I can't remember because I haven't prayed in so long.

1. To be happy

2. To die

1 point

I've never prayed. Why would I? I might as well right a letter to fucking Santa Claus.