
Debate Info

yes no that's stupid
Debate Score:65
Total Votes:70
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 yes (17)
 no that's stupid (17)

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RandomDude(1286) pic

who believes in magic?


Side Score: 30

no that's stupid

Side Score: 35
2 points

If Orlando is in front of it.

Side: yes
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

really? please explain

Side: no that's stupid
1 point

I like the Orlando Magic a team and there motto is bemagic.

Side: no that's stupid
-1 points

no that's stupid

Side: no that's stupid
Vermink(1942) Banned
2 points

I think it is very possible just like I think anything is possible just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not true.

Side: yes
2 points

As in the art of trickery through amazing means? Who would claim there is no such art?

Side: yes
1 point

I believe in it's existence, but it is against my religion .

Side: yes
TheAshman(2298) Disputed Banned
1 point

According to the Bible magic exists but magicians are bad, the original Taoist Alchemists (they would have been considered Magicians by the original Biblical scholars) discovered Gunpowder and Medicine which is still used today, out of interest how do Christians keep their faith whilst using this magic? Because surely these are the kind of people the Bible was warning about.

Now i've written this I think I should have used the Clarify button not Dispute, i'm not attacking you or your beliefs and i'm thinking about setting this up as a debate to get some other peoples views on it. I'll see what response I get here first.

Side: no that's stupid

Yes as in science we havent discovered yet. I mean it depends on the person. I think UFO's have a greater chance of existing but i think its just unknown science.

Side: yes
1 point

The technology we take for granted today would have been seen as magic 200 years ago so yes I believe in Magic, Science would have originally have been seen as magic, the original practioners of Taoism would have been treated as magicians by a lot of people now though a lot of their research is accepted as scientific fact. Shamanism and Chinese Medicine would once have been magic now a lot of it is accepted as just medicine or healthy living.

So yes magic exists (not neccarsarily Harry Potter type magic) and always has but now is labelled as Science, Medicine or just good old health food and dietry supplements, so who knows in another 200 years what we see as being impossible or magical today because we dont know how to make it happen might be a part of normal life.

Side: yes
1 point

I think magic would be awesome, and would make life all the more interesting if it did exist.

But there's no direct proof of its existence, but it hasn't been proven false yet, so I've yet to wait. I know this sounds terribly illogical, but I've got to keep open to the possibilities...

(Btw hello CreateDebate, it's been a while...)

Side: yes
1 point

I believe in things as yet unexplained. Magery. Fun stuff.

Side: yes

I believe that magic is clever deception and very entertaining.

Side: yes
4 points

I haven't seen any real magic yet so At this particular moment, no I don't.

That doesn't mean I'm not open to the potential.

Side: no that's stupid
3 points

it seems some freaks on this site believe magic is true? there is no such thing as magic

Side: no that's stupid
3 points

I personally don't believe in magic. But just because I haven't seen any proof of it doesn't mean I should go around insulting those who do. Everyone thinks differently.

I support the same side as you however I heavily disagree with your comment.

Side: no that's stupid
TheAshman(2298) Disputed Banned
3 points

Many years ago if a Chinese Taoist turned up in ancient Britain and showed people that he could make things explode using a small amount of powder or cure someone of something which at the time in Britain was incurable he would have been treated as a magician. Now Gunpowder and Medicine are normal.

You believe in God but there is no proof of God so why is that more believable than magic?

I have given you two examples of magic now its your turn prove to me magic doesn't exist

Side: yes
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
3 points

listen Assman you dont know me or what i believe in and your examples prove nothing so take it elsewhere

Side: no that's stupid
3 points

Magic seriously makes people think that apples can turn into papayas and bananas can turn ripe immediately. Its just that they fall for that lame trick called changing, or in other words, swapping

Side: no that's stupid
5 points

I think "magic" is just an unknown type of science. Like how we brought an extinct species of cow back to life. People would see this as magic. It's kinda like the UFO argument. I can't really prove they exist or don't exist. Since this universe is massive i would bet there is a good chance of one but as for magic its typically the same debate. If i could make something so cold that it reaches a very hot temperature instantly would that be magic or just science? I see them as typically revolving around each other. So for the existence of magic i would say its just an unknown thing in science.

Side: yes
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
3 points

Why call it magic then? Why not call it unknown ?

Side: no that's stupid
3 points

all are just tricks. some are simple, others are complex enough to understand. that's it

Side: no that's stupid

what just happened here? this debate just received 14 up votes all at once?

Side: no that's stupid

Magic ;)

Side: no that's stupid