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Blazeyice's Reward Points: 64

Points When What Where
4 Created Debate If guns dont kill people and people kill people then toast, toast, toast
1 Added Argument What is your favorite Nintendo franchise?
-1 Downvoted Argument Star Wars VS Star Trek
1 Added Argument are dreams colorful or black and white...???
1 Added Argument proof the universe (and everything within it) are conscious
1 Added Argument Is the pen blue or red?
1 Added Argument What is your dream woman/man
1 Added Argument Divorce is increasing. Does divorce harm children`s psychology?
5 Created Debate Do you think we use computers to much is this Generation?
2 Added Argument What is the Purpose of Prayer?
5 Created Debate What is the Purpose of Prayer?
-1 Downvoted Argument Genesis and Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Genesis and Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Genesis and Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Genesis and Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Satanism vs Christianity
-1 Downvoted Argument Satanism vs Christianity
-1 Downvoted Argument Satanism vs Christianity
2 Added Argument Why did the Roman Chicken Cross the road?
5 Created Debate Why did the Roman Chicken Cross the road?
6 Added Argument How Much Wood Would a Woodchucker Chuck if a Woodchucker could chuck wood?
-1 Downvoted Argument How Much Wood Would a Woodchucker Chuck if a Woodchucker could chuck wood?
1 Added Argument This House Believes That belief in God is irrational. (White House)
2 Added Argument Should college football have a playoff or not?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should college football have a playoff or not?
10 Added Argument How Much Wood Would a Woodchucker Chuck if a Woodchucker could chuck wood?
5 Added Argument Genesis and Evolution
1 Added Argument Whats going to happen in 2012
5 Created Debate This House Believes That belief in God is irrational. (White House)
5 Created Debate Does Beauty or Brains get you ahead in life?
5 Created Debate Should college football have a playoff or not?
5 Created Debate How Much Wood Would a Woodchucker Chuck if a Woodchucker could chuck wood?

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