
Debate Info

Satanism Christianity
Debate Score:665
Total Votes:794
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 Satanism (125)
 Christianity (143)

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AveSatanas(4443) pic

Satanism vs Christianity

Yes im bored.

Im talking about REAL satanism not angsty teen cut yourself in rebellion to got shit. As in, LaVeyan or Theistic. The philosophy behind it. Get some background before debating please.

Choose which you think is more:

Moral, Legit, Progressive, Logical, Worthwhile yada yada yada


Side Score: 306


Side Score: 359

I would say satanism, but I would use christian values in it a la selflessness.

Its good to focus on yourself, but its not good to ONLY focus on yourself because we are all in this together.

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
8 points

Very true but Satanism doesn't say never help others at all. It preaches putting yourself and your priorities above others. If your priorities are taken care of and youre willing to help others then that is encouraged because another part is the advancement of humanity and we ARE all I'm it together.

Side: Christianity
jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

I cant help but notice you shy away from science debate to talk moron circles in the peanut gallery ....satan is a wieney and he promotes what is easy ...if you have a world full of self serving last immoral pukes how do you advance....have you ever been in combat id say you have not say your a weak little person who hides behind popular waves of vassel intellect cant serve yourself first and others later ....a chief eats last not most the reason this world is falling apart is weak people like you eating first ....back when people minded the flock and not the sheppard we didn't have this problem ....or maybe we have had this problem all along because evil keeps pooping its head out of the toilet ....piss on morning star and piss on nimrod if you know morning star and not nimrod your not even a real Satanist ...again a shallow fake .....I flat out call them both weak GOD made them to serve MAN NOT man to serve them ...and serve me he will the name of GOD almighty he is my footstool and all who follow him.....put that in your pipe and smoke it .....

Side: Satanism
JesusFreak7(48) Disputed
3 points

Light and Darkness can not have fellowship together, its either one or the other.

Side: Christianity
6 points

Satanism is about yourself, and Christianity is about pretending a crazy god is real.

I'll pass on both and go with humanism, where you care about everyone, including yourself.

Side: Satanism
lilmamakim(24) Disputed
6 points

A TRUE christian DOES care about everyone, including themselves.

Side: Christianity
Emperor(1340) Disputed
5 points

No. Just no.

A Christian SAYS they care, but the very fact that ANY Christian can call him or herself "true" and other Christians "false" is proof enough that you don't really care. It is just words.

Side: Satanism
M_Sarmad_S(20) Disputed
4 points

religion is is About you and for other .....

Religion leads toward peace...

Side: Christianity
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
3 points

Religion leads toward Hell, making you think that you justify yourself by what you do when your sin is not paid for......then you end up paying in Hell forever.

Side: Satanism
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
3 points

That's a lie. Humanism is self centered. Anything you do in it, or believe in it, is to make yourself feel better or to keep yourself from feeling worse. Humanism is the same as Satanism, the individual trying to replace God with himself (or herself). In reality, you are a Satanist making yourself the devil, trying to get people to follow you by pretending to be good.........and taking yourself along with anybody who follows you down in death to the fire of Hell. Don't believe it? just wait and see.

Side: Christianity
jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

if by humanism you mean the scientific movement to alter mans genetic killing babies and harvesting stem cells to graft new genetic growth in an already established dna sequence......ya sounds just like caring to me ....

Side: Christianity
westlife1234(9) Disputed
1 point

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Side: Christianity
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Here is where you go when you die.

The power of Feist compels you.

Side: Satanism
6 points


Side: Satanism
JasonLing(10) Disputed
5 points

Bible says that worship the Lord, you God and serve only Him. There is a Heaven and a hell. I can assure you that those who serve and worship satan will go to hell with satan.

Side: Christianity
VENUSJUDGE66(74) Disputed
5 points


Side: Satanism
VENUSJUDGE66(74) Disputed
5 points


Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
5 points

The bible says the world is flat, it's not.

The bible says the world was flooded, it was not.

The bible says we came from 2 people in a magic garden, we did not.

The bible says humans existed at the same time as dinosaurs, we did not.

The bible says the earth is under 10000 years old, it's 4.5 billion.

The bible says a magic man did several impossible miracles, he did not.

Explain to me why we should believe a word the bible says including how Satan and god exist.

Side: Satanism
6 points


Side: Satanism
5 points

How will hell treat you?!?!?!?!!?!??!? Literally!!! Like what do you do to support satan?

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
7 points

1) hell doesnt exist

2) Satan (to me) doesn't exist

3) Satanic teachings and practices are healthier to oneself and ones community than any Christianitys. Remember all those satanist and atheist wars? ......neither do I.

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
4 points

The sinners are much more fun... . Billy Joel

Side: Satanism

Anyone who knows anything about this site knows I'm the token Satanist.

Therefore the real discussion is "Supremepizza vs Christianity"

Therefore I win the ego award.

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
3 points

Anyone who knows anythin knows I'm da number 1 satanist. My ego is so much bigger than yours. Probably the biggest ego in the world.

Side: Christianity
6 points

If you read my argument you would see that I was actually making fun of myself by saying that.

Now you just look like a huge cunt (:

Side: Satanism
jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

tell me token satanist .....why ....why would you serve the one who is supposed to serve you .....this morning star tricks you into serving him...let me get this straight you were born a man mirrored image of YWHW and had his all consuming breath in your dna ....set to inherit the universe (not as you seen it on tv or in school those turds know nothing )...and you were tricked into trading places with the help.....I guess you really showed us ...

Side: Christianity
5 points


Side: Satanism
3 points


Side: Satanism
Elvira(3441) Disputed
4 points

You are an odd person, that's all I can say. Really odd.


Side: Christianity
JesusFreak7(48) Disputed
1 point


Side: Christianity
3 points

I'm for chaos and fun, so Satanism wins every time.

Christianity is just really boring, no offence.

Side: Satanism
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

enjoy while you can, if that's the way you want to go out. There won't be any fun in Hell, and the chaos will be entirely focused and unchanging from the fire of Hell making chaos of your memories .......only your memories will be chaotic, and they will torment your mind and soul much like the flames will torment your body.........IF you wont' repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ before your dying is final and you end up in eternal dying in the Lake of Fire.

Side: Christianity
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Y'all do realize that as sinners, we all deserve to die now, right? Every moment of time outside of Hell is a gift from God we do not deserve and cannot earn. Ya'll see the plain simple truth of reality, right?

Side: Christianity
3 points

At first I would say Christianity but since it's a boring subject to begin with, I'll say Satanism FTW.

Side: Satanism
3 points

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. Do not harm little children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

Those are, to my knowledge, some teachings/commandments of Satanism. They're kinda immoral, just a tad, but otherwise, they look pretty cool.

Side: Satanism
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You don't know much about Satanism. They use "breeders", women to give birth in secret to produce babies for human sacrifice. The "breeders" will give their bodies in orgies to all the men in a Satan worship event, giving her body to Satan......and animal sacrifice is much more common among them.

Side: Christianity
iamriotep(1) Clarified
1 point

If I do remember right that is only for theistic satanism or the kinds of satanism created for movie entertainment, the ones who believe Satan is an actual being. In Atheistic satanism the symbol of Satan represents man and human nature

Side: Satanism
jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

well if this is the list what about blood sex magik ......this is an absolute assault on children and one of the highest levels of satan worship .....what does it feel like to serve a servant ...a master of one location...that's pretty lame ....

Side: Christianity
2 points


Side: Satanism
JesusFreak7(48) Disputed
2 points


Side: Christianity
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You are asking for your own eternal condemnation in the fire of Hell to fry like an eternal sausage while only the smoke of your torments rises from the fire. You are going to get what you are asking for if you keep asking for it, fool.

Side: Christianity
Foxglove(205) Clarified
1 point

The comments you are referring to were written 3 years ago so they are unlikely to respond, just so you know..

Side: Satanism
2 points

We don't worship Satan, we worship ourselves using the metaphorical representation of the qualities of Satan. Satan is the name used by Judeo-Christians for that force of individuality and pride within us. But the force itself has been called by many names.We embrace Christian myths of Satan and Lucifer, along with Satanic renderings in Greek, Roman, Islamic, Sumerian, Syrian, Phrygian, Egyptian, Chinese or Hindu mythologies, to name but a few. We are not limited to one deity, but encompass all the expressions of the accuser or the one who advocates free thought and rational alternatives by whatever name he is called in a particular time and land. It so happens that we are living in a culture that is predominantly Judeo-Christian, so we emphasize Satan. If we were living in Roman times, the central figure, perhaps the title of our religion, would be different. But the name would be expressing and communicating the same thing. It's all context

Side: Satanism

It's strange, I've just started to research Satanism and I must say, it makes much more sense than Christianity. It's all about opening your mind instead of pleasing some bearded man in the sky.

Side: Satanism
M_Sarmad_S(20) Disputed
3 points

Then you should learn Islam and you will find it more better..

But will say Christianity is far better then satanism

Side: Christianity
1 point

No thanks.....I don't do religion. Besides, dosn't Islam have a lot of restrictions, especially on females?

Side: Satanism
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Islam is Satanism in disguise. Allah is Satan, the moon god of ancient tribal paganism.

Side: Satanism
1 point

Neither. They're both deluded positions.

Where is that neutral button again?

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

I understand that Christianity is deluded. Please explain how satanism (REAL satanic philosophy [I understand how theism is deluded and I agree]) is deluded.

Side: Christianity
Skaruts(195) Disputed
1 point

You should have created a neutral category. I'm an atheist, I don't believe in either satan or god, and I have to downvote my own comments to be sure to not contribute to any of the sides, since I don't believe any of them has any more meaning than the other.

Side: Satanism
Skaruts(195) Clarified
0 points

Satan is a part of christianity. In fact, lucifer and hell had nothing to do with the common depiction we give it nowadays, of some kind of monster with a goatie (and many many others) and a (supposedly) underground cave full of fire that you may get into in the afterlife. Hell was, in their time, (as depicted in the bible, if I'm not mistaken) a dump where they dumped the dead bodies of those not worthy of jesus' love and such things. Lucifer was who ran the dump or something.

Hell was not something of the afterlife nor supernatural, but something very real (assuming the stories in the bible and christianity are historicaly real), although, the reasons why they dumped the bodies there had influence from supernatural beliefs.

I can't remember all the details so take all I just described as just as a rather close approximation to what it was (my best attempt from the top of my head now).

But the point is, satan is part of christianity. Most satanists don't even think about that, I guess. Most christians don't either. It could be argued that satanism is but a sub-set of christianity as well. A rather fanatic/fundamentalist rebel/revolted subset of it. Either way, Satan, in it's current depictions and in mythological depictions, is just as imaginary as god.

EDIT: That dump was Gehenna.

Side: Satanism
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
0 points

I would challenge you to read the Nine Satanic Statements which I will link for you here, and then tell me there is anything deluded about them. I will also be happy to engage you in a formal debate on this subject.

Let me know!

Side: Christianity
Libtard4dayz(3) Disputed
1 point

The problem is not that we as humans seek our own pleasure, happiness, or joy. The problem is that we as sinners look for it in the wrong places. Consider this analogy: Children always seek to eat only what tastes good to them. We, as adults, regret this in children and seek to wean them of this tendency. It is not that we adults think that eating should not include things that taste good. It is that we know that not everything that tastes good is good or is even food in the first place. Children’s understanding of nutrition and their tastes are not developed, however; therefore, they invariably resist eating what is good for them and desire what is not good for them or is even harmful. If children ate according to the philosophy of Satanism, then they would never deny themselves whatever tastes good regardless whether it has any nutritional value, like cotton candy, or, worse, they would eat something that tastes good but is poison. They also would refuse to eat what is good for them, all the while mocking and ridiculing those who did so eat.

If we think of eating as an analogy of living one’s life, and good and bad tastes as an analogy of pleasures and pains, then perhaps we can see that what we as humans need to learn is to recognize and appreciate what actually is good for us. Perhaps what we, like children, need is for our understanding and tastes to develop so that we learn to love what is good for us. What the Christian understands but the Satanist does not is that there is something wrong with us. We fallen humans too often find pleasure in what is not in our best interest or is evil. The problem, however, is not the experience of pleasure itself. The problem is in us: we choose the wrong things to satisfy our desire for pleasure. What we need is somehow to come to love the taste of what is intrinsically good and what is in our ultimate best interest.35 This is where God comes in. We need to “taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!PS(Ps. 34:8).

Side: Christianity
1 point

First, you need to specify which kind of Satanism, and which kind of Christianity.

I my self subscribe to Atheistic Satanist beliefs.

Those are that God is false, Satan is false, the bible is a lie, and every other God and Goddess is human creation to explain the mysteries of life.

We also believe that you must care for yourself, and do unto others what they have done unto you.

We believe that the Id the person is the most important thing in the world, and that e must use logic and science to discover the Universes secrets. Atheistic Satanism is the right way for humans to live, because the morality of the Bible is obviously not part of the workings of the world. Christianity is as false a concept as Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, the old (now new again) pagan faiths, and World Peace.

Side: Satanism
1 point

Well, you belong with us. Many of us do not believe in a deity and know that Darwinism is correct. However, we take it to the next level. We value individualism, knowledge, an the ego. If you have realized that you are fighting against a world that does not care for you, and do not find that to be a source of depression as you have those who care for you, and you car for, then look atheistic Satanism. I had the beliefs of a Satanist for al long time, I even pondered creating a sect dedicated to those beliefs. I did no believe in the devil, and still do not. You need not believe to be a Satanist.

Side: Satanism
1 point

I love the values and the whole morals of satanism. I mean the rules, and sins, and laws of satanism just make sense.

Side: Satanism
1 point

Ratio of Satanic mass genocides to Christian mass genocides:


Hail satan!

Side: Satanism
1 point

satanism is made up of atheists and Christianity is made up of people who think a god is real when he is not...

Side: Satanism
1 point

The philosophy behind Satanism is lust of power believing power proves you have the right to exist outside of Hell free of punishment for your sins. A slap on the wrist is to be expected here and there, but for final execution of judgement, you believe you get out by your power.

The basic premise is that God is not good, and is replaced by the individual with the most powerful individual ruling in place of God. Satan knows that he has lost in this battle against God and is doomed to the Lake of Fire in eternal torment, to get what He deserves for trying to displace and exile his creator, polluting the beauty God made with the corruptions of sin which is always destructive. People who worship Satan will suffer forever in the devils Hell fire as trophies of the devil, never satisfying his hatred of God, but giving him a feeling of having struck back at God by keeping people God loves from seeking His mercy and believing on the resurrection of God in the flesh, the Son of God.

"Blood On The Doorposts" was written by one of the highest ranked Satanists today who repented and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ after finding his powers useless a Christian. He gives as much of the gory details of Satanism as he can....some of the rituals are too ungodly awful to speak of in detail, but he makes it all clear enough.

I was involved at a lower level in Satanism, not really knowing what I was getting into with occult stuff......I didn't realize the things I was dabbling in were Satanic in origin. The devil is ok with people who dabble in occult things and never progress into blatant's all the same stuff, all rebellion against God, all leads to the same devil's Hell fire, and the Lake of Fire from which the smoke of their torments will rise forever.

Side: Satanism
1 point

I see a lot of Christians arguing against Satanism without seeming to have much of an understanding of what it even is or what the values are. Do research on the topic before you try and debate because some of these arguments are making me cringe

Side: Satanism
1 point

I love this topic.

I also admire many of the tenets of LaVeyan Satanism.

Especially their Nine Satanic Sins and their Nine Statements.

My first live-in girlfriend was a Satanist. She even went to Black Masses.

(amazing sex, BTW!)

I would easily join the CoS before I would ANY Christian religious denomination.

The CoS is more current and in tune with modern life. Their tenets are more useful.

The 10 Commandments are a SNOOZE!!

Almost half of them just warn you to only worship Yahweh..that murderous Bastard Sky God.

And the others are no-brainers that any rational and sane person already adheres to.

But the CoS is much more useful.

Doubt me?

Check these out and get back to me.................

Side: Satanism
1 point

The Tenets for Satanism are absolutely astounding and make a lot of sense. I'm not saying the Ten Commandments don't make sense, but they don't follow them in the bible and are very hypocritical.

Satanic Tenets:

One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.

The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.

Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.

People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.

Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

There are two different types of Satanism. LaVeyan Satanism and Theistic Satanism, LaVeyan being the focus on oneself rather than Satan himself. Theistic Satanism is focus on Satan.

Side: Satanism
0 points


Side: Satanism

If it was a choice between satanism or Christianity, satanism all the way! I would totally do the seven deadly sins every day, most notably lust and gluttony. :)

Side: Satanism
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
0 points

that's not what Satanism is about.

Read my post for more, and see my link. And let me know if you have any other questions in the CoS.


Side: Christianity
14 points

I rather be on God's side then the devil's side because Satan is a deciever and a liar and is the prince of darkness.

Hail Jesus Christ!

Side: Christianity
13 points

I think you mean praise the lord... ......... ...... ........ ............ ........................

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
10 points

Not Satan from YOUR religion. Christianity just took the name and turned it into your boogyman because apparently the authors of your holy book lack creativity. They steal A LOT of stuff. Anyways, even if we are talking about Satan from Christianity if STILL be on his side. God has killed MILLIONS supposedly, Satan has killed 10. As god was committing atrocities against humanity Satan stood up to him, the bully on the playground, for US and tried to stop him and was cast into hell for it. Seems like Satan likes us A ton more than god...

Side: Satanism
8 points

Technically Satan refused to bow to Adam synonymous to us since his pride got the better of him. He said that he was made of fire and we were made of dirt. So therefore that already invalidates your argument that he is on our side since he refused to bow to us. Look into the Bible for further info. In the timeline, before Noah`s ark, Satan had already been cast into hell for deceiving Adam and Eve. Man had everything in the garden of Eden. So therefore at the peak of happiness, our ally would no longer take action to alter such happiness. But due to Satan`s actions, he tempted man and woman into disobeying God therefore losing all wisdom and immortality provided by the tree of life. So this ally of yours tempted man and broth forth suffering. God does not need to atone for what he did for he has every right to what he wants with his creations. For example you created a game. Your the boss there and someone hacks into that game of yours. So, would you consider that hacker an ally?

Side: Christianity
Srom(12120) Disputed
5 points

Not Satan from YOUR religion

When I think of Satan I think of Him as the person that is roaming around the earth trying to get people to hell and do bad things and later down the road Satan will be destroyed by God.

By the way I am not in a religion a religion is man's way to get to God and Christianity is God's way to get to man. Man's way is filled with errors and flaws while as Christianity God knows more than every one else does.

Christianity just took the name and turned it into your boogyman because apparently the authors of your holy book lack creativity.

Actually we didn't take that name it was originated from Christianity because before Lucifer became Satan, he was an angel and the reason why he rebelled and went to hell is because he wanted to be like God and some of the people in heaven followed Lucifer causing God to throw them out of heaven and into the pit of hell.

They steal A LOT of stuff


Anyways, even if we are talking about Satan from Christianity if STILL be on his side. God has killed MILLIONS supposedly, Satan has killed 10. As god was committing atrocities against humanity Satan stood up to him, the bully on the playground, for US and tried to stop him and was cast into hell for it. Seems like Satan likes us A ton more than god..

God didn't kill millions of people unlike Satan right now is telling people to go steal something, kill someone and doing all the horrible things you see on television. Have you watched television lately? Because to me their is nothing good on whenever I watch the news all I hear is how people are doing bad things or bad reports from the new reporters I haven't heard anything good lately.

God hasn't killed millions of people that is a lie. Satan has made people kill and do more things that God has done. Stop lying about the info.

God is still healing people and performing miracles and everyday someone turns to Jesus Christ. Is that not good to you? Oh wait I forgot you can't see all the good things God has been doing because Satan is the one who wants you to be away from God and wants you in hell no wonder your an atheist. ;)

Side: Christianity
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
3 points

Sin kills all, not only millions. Sin entered into the human race through deception, lies of the devil. Satan is to blame for all death in the entire universe, and He will get what He deserves finally and forever when death and Hell are thrown into the Lake of Fire, and the smoke of their torments will rise forever......

and at the sound of the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to the glory of God, that Jesus Christ is LORD.......against his will, and against the will of people who thought they could deny their Creator's right to rule over them, they will bow and say Jesus is Lord, giving God the honor He deserves for creating them, and honoring God by serving their death sentence in Hell's fire, frying like eternal sausages forever, because God is good....and it's good to know evil will be confined and the wonder and beauty of God's creation will be fully revealed to those who love Him, and there will be no more death for the living, no more rebellion against God.......only the smoke of the torments of those who died in their rebellion will rise forever from the Lake of Fire as a testimonial of the Righteous One, Jesus, who is God who is good, who gave Himself in death to redeem all who will repent of their sins and believe on His resurrection before it's too late in the fire of Hell where it will be impossible for sinners to believe God is good because all they will know unwaveringly will be His wrath against sin, proven by the fire of Hell.

Side: Christianity
7 points

Don't forget he is open minded too.

Side: Satanism
6 points

What a down vote Mic?

Side: Satanism
jalefounder(1) Disputed
4 points

first of all ozzy ozbourn is the prince of darkness and second satanism is about looking after yourself and getting self respect christainity is about getting on your knees alot witch is kinda gay. paganism was around before christanity adn satanism is based around paganism without the killing of people or animals before you try adn debate try reading into things and you would find out that the bible is about murder, rape and people getting killed for not beliving in what you do and think about it if god was real then why are people dying of aids and why are people homeless jesus my friend is a made up person who people turned to when there life is in the shit

hail satan

Side: Satanism
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
2 points

You are believing lies from Hell, paganism is based on lies from Hell penned by people and promoted to feel power by making followers. The lies you are following will take you to Hell where you will fry like an eternal sausage if before your dying is finalized here, you will not repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who created you, then plunged into death for you, paid for your sins, to save you from your sins, and is risen from the dead offering you forgiveness and eternal life if you will believe on Him and receive Him as your Savior.

You will probably be like most pagans, continuing in your pride and loving your sin more than life until you find yourself unable to get out of the fire of Hell where you will be frying like eternal sausage......I hope I'm wrong and you get saved, but I doubt that you will.

Side: Christianity
Queen625(5) Clarified
4 points

That is your view, satanists see satan as the good guy in all of this.

Side: Satanism
Srom(12120) Clarified
3 points

He really isn't a good guy. He deceives others into thinking he is good when he really isn't.

Side: Satanism
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
3 points

Good for what?????????????????? What is Satan supposed to be good for?

Side: Satanism
2 points


Side: Christianity
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
5 points

you cant' rebuke and bind them when people are giving them the authority in their lives. You have to try to reach the people with the truth. Demons who bother you can be dealt with by you. Demons invited by other people in their lives have authority from those people. God allows this in His mercy giving the people time to be saved from Hell. You have to try to reach the individual with the truth.

Side: Satanism
2 points


Side: Christianity
7 points

Jesus, neither! Any superstitious beliefs that say " No, this is how everything works, and this is how you should lead your life, your other belief is wrong" is completely immoral. yes the whole Satanism thing is slightly better because it is more philosophical, but worshiping any deity and believing in an eternal after life, or any more cough bollockscough. Stop with the DAMNED RELIGIONS!

Side: Christianity
Lynaldea(1227) Disputed
7 points

Religions aren't going away, nor are the curiousity of mankind and its desire to believe in X, Y, Z god. Get used to it chap.

Side: Satanism
nummi(1424) Disputed
8 points

Religions aren't going away

They will one day go away, unless we manage to end ourselves first. In the archives as part of history they won't, probably.

nor are the curiousity of mankind and its desire to believe in X, Y, Z god

I'm part of mankind and I have no desire to believe in some imaginary friends. Curiosity is good, but being credulous and incapable of differentiating fantasy and reality is bad.

What are the differences of Harry Potter (etc.) and the bible, or any other religious book? Plot, style, characters, etc. aside, nothing - all are lies. But what makes them different is the fact that religious texts claim themselves to be of reality, they claim themselves to be true. That is wrong and extremely stupid.

Have you tried creating fantasy stories? I have, it is very easy.

Make up a story, claim it to be true, spread the word, find idiots who'll believe you and a new religion is born. That simple. And nothing positive to mankind about it. Yet just that was done thousands of years ago, to this day and onward. But not for forever, religions are in decline, in more advanced countries anyway.

Side: Christianity
4 points

dude satanism doesnt even worship an external god...

And they dont necessarily all believe in an afterlife either, just some of them....

and besides the afterlife could just be the continuation of life, not some fabled imaginary paradise...

Religion is important, you may not think it is but if you look around the world its a major part of every culture not because people are brainwashed fools but because they need answers, and if the "god" that they talk to is actually their subconscious/higher conscious, then who cares?

Youre such a pessimist

Side: Satanism
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
5 points

:) I never said it wasn't important of curse it is, without it, much of what we see today wouldn't be the same. But again, what the hell! I said no after life, i don't care how you invision it, once you die that's it, your brain dies, your body rots, the world keeps turning, other people are born who will think the same things you do, they will die, then the world will be eaten by the sun, and at some point or another time will stop ( It's easier understanding the end of time, then understanding forever). I'm not pessimistic, i'm realistic. I realise the world will end, that I will die along with everyone else alive at this moment, but i'm not saying that as a bad thing. Well, not really a good thing either, but that's how life goes! There is no higher being, living in Hell or Heaven, and once you die, that's it.

Side: Christianity
3 points

I agree with your statement. Religion is a foolish concept that should be gotten rid of. It has served its time, but now is the Age of Aquarius, the Death of Christ and faith, and the push to the future.

However, some of us Satanists are atheistic Satanists, and are not so much as believers of a deity, as practitioners of a certain philosophy, like Buddhism. While I myself disagree with the teachings of Buddha (survival of the fittest bub), I do not think you or I have the right to tell them to stop following that philosophy, if they are not dedicating their lives to an imaginary deity.

Side: Christianity
Jace(5211) Clarified
3 points

You say that religion is a foolish concept... on the basis of astrology.

Side: Satanism

Christianity since it gives us peace of mind. Satanism encourages unrest and encourages chaos in humanity.

Christianity and Satanism are contrasting poles. For an example Purity and Sultry. Who would you rather wed a virgin or a slut?

Where would you rather write in the light or in the dark?

How would you like to be treated by your children good or bad?

The two beliefs are contrasting and have different methods to appease followers. Satanism is like eat now pay later. But once you have eaten, you will have to pay... forever. Why? It is because Satanism does not promise salvation. Christianity is the opposite. Pay now and sacrifice the things you hold dear, then eat and live forever.

The problem is, when you make a deal with the devil, you NEVER win. There is always something written in the fine print of the contract that will make you regret your choice. When demons appear it causes chaos and disbelief. When angels appear miracles happen. I am not saying this because I have solid proof but based on the information that is presumed to be their attitude then yes angels are better. Christianity is a belief for those who are patient and are willing to sacrifice the things they hold dear. It is no religion for those who look only for themselves.

Let us look in a family scenario. Satanism encourages selfishness so if there came a fire you must save yourself first and then your offspring and spouse so in the end you are the loser. But in Christian context you must save your family first so if you die in the process, your children will live on.

Tell me those who chose the selfishness, would you be able to take the guilt of seeing your family die just because your religion told you to?

Choosing Christianity is an easy choice between the two since it promises salvation.

Side: Christianity
Emperor(1340) Disputed
3 points

Do you understand "Making a deal with the devil"?

You seem to have no idea what satanism is or what christianity is.

Making a deal with a devil to me is joining a cult that says "Believe in my God and you will live forever in paradise."

That sounds like a real tricky deal to me. Something that might have a lot of fine print.

That's your religion, by the way.

You should think before you speak or type.

Side: Satanism
5 points

A story resembling a deal with the devil is synonymous to the story of Adam and Eve in which man lost his immortality and wisdom meaning that story indicates the loss of something good from man. We have no solid evidence in the story but basing from a devil`s natural tendencies from previous known premonitions then it would be unethical to make a deal with them due to their unpredictable tendencies.

Another example would be the various spiritual incantations in which devils are called to do the bidding of man. It may be done in urban or rural places. An example of the method may be the use of ouija boards that would call spirits to answer questions but having a drawback of possession to a human host. Therefore it would be a risky ordeal.

Side: Christianity
3 points

Satanism encourages unrest and encourages chaos in humanity.


Where would you rather write in the light or in the dark?


Satanism is like eat now pay later. But once you have eaten, you will have to pay... forever.

Are you fucking serious? You're trolling right?

It is because Satanism does not promise salvation.

No, because we don't believe in magical sky genies.

You're too retarded for me to warrant further further discussion with you.

Side: Satanism
4 points

What makes you so sure I am wrong?

"Where would you rather write in the light or in the dark?"

I used this as an analogy to state the difference in the ideologies of the 2 beliefs.

If you had to choose then it would be much more practical to choose the one that promises salvation since Satanism does not.

Side: Christianity
4 points

Please do not include insults in your arguments for it does not directly improve your way of argument. I take no offense from your beliefs since we live in different ways. I respect your decision and I hope you will find happiness in your ideologies.

Side: Christianity
JesusFreak7(48) Disputed
2 points

Your language just shows that satanism is self centered and hateful towards anyone who is against you. Well i come against you in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and you are powerless before HIM. Like i said, Jesus won this battle already at the cross and even death could not hold HIM! HE IS ALIVE AND SITTING AT THE FATHER'S RIGHT HAND. HIS RETURN IS SOON, I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE HIM FACE TO FACE :D MARANATHA LORD JESUS :D

Side: Christianity
Skaruts(195) Disputed
1 point

You still believe in a religious mythological character if you're a satanist. And you probably still believe in god if you feel the need to be at the side of something opposite to it.

I'm not a satanist, I'm an atheist, and that's because I don't believe in things that aren't evidently true. Satan is just as included in that statement as god is. And satanist rituals, practices and worshipings, are enough to classify satanism as a form of religion (more often than not, at least in europe and in the US, some sort of sub-set of christianity).

And like it or not, satan is an invention that blossomed from religious (leaders) beliefs as a way to instill fear on people thinking about desobeying their doctrine.

Side: Christianity
levongev(5) Disputed
3 points

No, Satanism says YOU are the most important thing in this world. Care for yourself and those you care for and fight those who will harm you. Also Satan is Prometheus to those who believe in him. The giver of knowledge and freedom. The choice between Satanism and Christianity is selfish, curious independence and voluntary, beneficent slavery.

The choice between Atheistic Satanism and anything else, to me, is sight to blindness.

Side: Satanism
6 points

Christianity just like every other thing in the world looks different on paper. Its about having a relationship with Jesus. About love, just like you were loved. Eye for eye makes the whole world blind. Its about love.

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
4 points

Love me...or get thrown into the infernal pit of hell for eternity...yeah great stuff

Side: Satanism
3 points

Does Satanism promise salvation as it to be so much desirable to you?

Side: Christianity
Aoi_ChiBi(30) Clarified
3 points

You mean those cute little boys right?? Oohh the priests love them so much, they have been cuddled from top to bottom ^^ it's all in the name of Jesus.

Side: Satanism
2 points

You obviously mistake the part to the whole. Then when for an example an man robbed you does that scenario term that all men are thieves? Obviously its wrong since you are committing hasty generalization.

Plus what made you think that Satanists would`t do the same if both religions are practiced by mere mortals?

Side: Satanism
6 points

Can you trust the devil? No. But you can trust God. This is why Christianity is better than satanism

Side: Christianity
Cynical(1943) Disputed
4 points

To be fair, most satanists follow the LaVeyan version of satanism (which is essentially atheistic satanism), in which Satan or the Devil is held as symbolic, and doesn't actually exist.

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
3 points

True. Very true. Its a form of atheistic satanism. It has separate teachings and practices than just regular atheistic satanism (which is theistic minus belief in deities). It is about indulgence in the seven deadly sins. Theistic satanism teaches totally different things therfore atheistic satanism does as well.

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

Satan isn't real. And you can't trust god because he isn't real. And in the bible he's a massive hipocrite and fails to answer thousands if prayers s day. I don't trust a guy who flooded the world once already. He's two faced and cruel. And fake

Side: Satanism
5 points

I think people keep forgetting that if you are to worship satan that he doesn't care you will be punished

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

Read the description.... .

Side: Satanism
Jwilson(53) Disputed
5 points

It's true, if you worship satan you will be punished, plain and simple, there is nothing you can say that will change that

Side: Christianity
Jwilson(53) Disputed
4 points

If you worship satan you will be punished, plain and simple, there is nothing you can say or do to change that

Side: Christianity
Jwilson(53) Disputed
4 points

If you worship satan you will be punished, plain and simple, there is nothing you can say or do that will change that

Side: Christianity
4 points

i have feeling that Satanism is only winning because people hate Christianity way more than anything else. So as a result they will side on Satanism's side just so Christianity can look bad. If thats what your doing then shame on you.

Side: Christianity
4 points

Satanism is just stupid satan was in second in comand in heaven and turn on his own father all of ours fathers not just his all and he was banished for being selfish brat wanted daddys kingdom and just like a child he went into a temper tanrum. I believe if you put all your faith into a person such as satan you will be seriously disappointed in the end but do as you like

only god can judge any of us and he will in time we all got our time think about these mistakes you are making and repent....


Side: Christianity
4 points

Christianity is more moral because it makes people follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus devoted his life to helping others.

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

No evidence for Jesus existing nor what he did. He told people to cut off body parts and killed a tree for not giving him fruit. Not very moral. And Christian morals are: do what is right because god said to/do it for the reward of heaven. That's not moral, that's a doctrine. Atheists do what's right because they know it's right and don't seek reward and dint have to be told to.

Side: Satanism
4 points

Satan is a liar and will do anything to steal your soul. I would rather be with God because you know what you get.

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, eternal suffering if you mess up! So sweet of him. How silly to side with the only deity that stuck up for humanity. He got kicked it of heaven for standing up to the bully on the playground. He should be praised by Christians.

Side: Satanism
3 points

I hate the devil thats and I will be on the side of God...

So I will be at side of Christianity even I,m a Muslim.

our Religion tells us about all the Prophets , Christ , Musa and all others and says we can,t be proper Muslims if we don't believe at the prophets of God.

Side: Christianity
Skaruts(195) Disputed
3 points

The devil is but a part of religions, you know? Your religion tells you about the prophets, about christ, and also about satan. Or is it not true that it tells you if you don't worship mohamed you will end up with satan? Whether you like it or not, satan is but something that belongs to religious beliefs, as a way to induce people to obey their religion. What you hate is just a part of what you love.

Satanism is included in what I consider as "religious beliefs" (more often than not, it's but a rebel sub-set of christianity), since their conduct has many of the properties that classifies a religion.

Side: Satanism
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

You really confused me. Yes the devil is part of the Christian religion. Yes he's a tool for manipulation. I have no religion, im atheistic satanist. I only follow satanism as a philosophy.

Actually it is not often a rebellious subset. Those satanists are very few and far between in the satanist population which is larger and more diverse than i think you know.

Their is theistic satanism which is the deity worship which yes is a religion. But there's also atheistic and Laveyan. Two atheistic philosophies. Do your homework before making such broad assumptions.

Side: Christianity
3 points

Support God! Satanist suck! If it was not for god their would not be any Satan or his Death angels!. That demon stuff can be really creepy and scary!. The demons can even turn on you and Satan himself. Satan can never love you. Thats why bad things happen in your life notice when you turn to Satan you lose yourself some people never come back from it.But with god you are giving a clear chance to live life to the fullest. :)

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

You're an idiot. Satan was derived from old pagan religions and put into Christianity as the boogy man. It's made up. The Satan that is worshipped today is a deity completely independent from Christianity. I.e you don't need to believe in god and the bible ect to worship Satan. Real satanism is an independent religion or atheistic philosophy with it's own teachings and practices, which in my opinion, as FAR more beneficial to humanity than christianitys.

There are no dark angels, no Satan from Christianity. That along with god and the bible are all made up. I don't believe in Satan but I do follow the philosophy and teachings of it.

Side: Satanism
3 points

I believe in Orthodox Christinanity which I believe is the best religion. I viewed the Church of Satan site.

Here are some of their bad rules.

1. If somone annoys you and he is in your home, you can destroy him

2. If somone is annoying you and you tell him to stop, yet he doesn't listen, you can destroy him.

See now?

Side: Christianity
3 points

God is just as real as Satan. Why is one real and not the other? And please explain to me how Christianity is not caring for others and ourselves. Clearly you haven't read the Bible. Do you think people just draw pentagrams out of the blue? There is a reason behind it. It's called Satan. He is the Father of lies and deceit and destruction. When has anyone EVER seen ANYTHING GOOD come from the hands of Satan???

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

God is just as real as Satan

Youre right. Theyre both not real

And please explain to me how Christianity is not caring for others and ourselves

i never said christianity/christians werent caring. However it seems apparent to me that most are in it for heaven and the ammount of corruption within the religion is extreme what with the megachurches and other scams that horde money in the name of god and then dont disperse it to those in need.

Clearly you haven't read the Bible

actually i have.

Do you think people just draw pentagrams out of the blue?

No? Yes? Idk? sure some people doodle them, others draw them for religious reasons. either way whats your point?

There is a reason behind it. It's called Satan. He is the Father of lies and deceit and destruction. When has anyone EVER seen ANYTHING GOOD come from the hands of Satan???

Let me clairify this. i dont believe in satan. ive said this many many many many many times in this thread and across createdebate and in my profile im listed as atheist. Nothing has ever come of the hands of satan because he most likely doesnt exist and the same goes for god.

However hypothetically if they do exist then is god not more powerful than satan? does satan not have to get gods permission before doing anything (as in the story of job)? If he does then isnt god directly responsible for anything he does?

Side: Satanism
3 points

satan is weak god he had 2 chances to defeat God and Jesus but failed he failed to defeat God in heaven during his rebellion and failed to defeat Jesus when he was on the cross the war on death was raged and satan loses the war why serve a god who cheats and lies when I serve a God that gives life and can win wars and crush darkness and who is merciful, who brings true peace and will comfort us. I'm not serving satan because he is a loser and a coward and a thief. Satan can't touch me because the blood of Jesus protects from any plague from coward Satan.

Side: Christianity
3 points

Satanism is a deceitful religion. You are worshipping Satan which leaves you open to possession by him or demons. He may appear to be nice or to be trusted but he is most certianly not. Morals stand by the rules of the creater. Satan is very deceitful. Gods Morals stands at the ten commandments. People often get confused of what Christianity is. Christian means to be Christ like. Therefore Christianity is a relationship with God not a religion. The problem here is that you have non-christians thinking their christians going out make a name for themselves that confuses others with supplication of wrong doctrines and not making adequate application. You can only become a christian when you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. You must read the Bible to get the proper Morals. Do not look at the hypocrites because they are not what a Christian looks like. Just look at the Bible and see what God has laid out for us. I highly recommend that you do not go in Satanism to find Morals because you will end up demon possessed. Demon Possession isn't always painful. But the demons will deceive you and control some of your actions. God Bless you and may you serve Christ not Satan.

Side: Christianity

I prefer Yeshua because He died on the cross for my sins. .

Side: Christianity
3 points

Come on Brothers and Sisters in Christ, lets get some scripture into this argument, the Word of God is sharper than a double edged sword. Philippians 4:13 says "13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Jeremiah 29:11-13 says "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Isaiah 41:10-13 says "10 So do not fear, for I am with you;

do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

11 “All who rage against you

will surely be ashamed and disgraced;

those who oppose you

will be as nothing and perish.

12 Though you search for your enemies,

you will not find them.

Those who wage war against you

will be as nothing at all.

13 For I am the Lord your God

who takes hold of your right hand

and says to you, Do not fear;

I will help you."


Side: Christianity

Did you hear about the statue of Satan being put up in berlin? That is crazy..

Side: Christianity

I will support Christianity... Why not?I will support Christianity... Why not?I will support Christianity... Why not?

Side: Christianity

Christianity is good. Christianity teaches all to love one another.

Side: Christianity
2 points

I admit I dont know much about Laveyan Satanism but whilst doing some research on-line something that kept cropping up was that before he died Anton Lavey said he was mistaken and asked for forgiveness from God. The witnesses to this were allegedly all members of the Church Of Satan. I dont know if this is true or just propaganda spread by his enemies if it is true though thats gotta be a big spanner in the works for Satanists.

Side: Christianity
Emperor(1340) Disputed
3 points

No he didn't.

Anton Lavey never converted to Christianity, even on his deathbed. Who told you that? Pro-christian websites?

Talk about bias. There's a good reason religious people aren't trusted. They lie.

Side: Satanism
TheAshman(2298) Clarified
2 points

Like I said it was something that kept cropping up, Christians say he did Satanists say he did'nt and both of them are going to be biased, all the sites that are'nt connected to either qualify it as an unsubstantiated rumour. I guess the only person who could tell us for sure is the man himself and he is'nt talking for obvious reasons!!!

Side: Satanism
2 points

Has an entertaining story book.

Side: Christianity
2 points

This is sort of a dumb discussion. It says Satanism vs Christianity, but all the Satanism posts seem to be trying disconnect "THEIR" Satan from Christianity. We stole him, because we were uncreative?

Someone was bored.

Go Jesus.

Go Lucifer.

Satan is a dick followed by the dickless.

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

This is sort of a dumb discussion. It says Satanism vs Christianity, but all the Satanism posts seem to be trying disconnect "THEIR" Satan from Christianity.

Because every single christian who debates has NO idea what real satanic religions and philosophies are. They can't see past their own religions definition of Satan and think only that it means a rebellious subset of Christianity. Which we have to explain over and over that this is not necessarily true in most cases. There's no real debating because Christians can't get this concept through their heads. So I would say that this debate failed to accomplish what i intended. Sue me.

We stole him, because we were uncreative?

When he was written in yes. It is just a theory but we do know that Satan predates xhristianty in the form of a few pagan god's. For instance Horus of Egyptian mythology. He evolved into two things, christianities Satan, and the satanic Satan.

Christianity renamed him and made him their boogyman.

The other branched continued to evolve independently from Christianity. It's called satanism today. Some also call themselves luciferians. These words also predate Christianity. Satan is truth In Sanskrit. It is clear to see that Christianity took it because everything predates it...satanists couldn't see into the future and copy it.

I don't get what you were trying to say with the last part. Lucifer and Satan are the same thing...and god is a dick for the dickless.

Side: Satanism
LordChallen(184) Disputed
3 points

They can't see past their own religions definition of Satan and think only that it means a rebellious subset of Christianity.


This just doesn't make sense. You want to debate a "name" where each side has a different concept of the word?


I used to debate with Satanists and it blew my mind how people could worship death, destruction, eternal misery, eternal pain, etc. That is what Satan meant to me. Come to find, Satanist don't mean the same "Satan" at all. And the idiots that promote the idea that Christians "stole" Satan as it was some sort of organized crime unit. . . . is just crazy.


I don't speak Sanskrit. It is one of the oldest languages written languages we know about, developed in India by the old Hindu religions. Satan is still one of their "Gods" out of thousands. They have gods for just about every little thing that can happen to you. If you are having trouble with constipation, I'm sure they have a God for it. They have religious rituals that take hours where they just name the 1000 male gods and 1000 female gods. Satan is one of them. And you are right, he isn't a bad symbol, though I don't remember exactly what.


Lucifer, on the other hand is interesting.


But back to Satan. His name means adversary in Sanskrit. Some people have twisted that idea to mean, "adversary of ignorance and stupidity." And if you stretch that, it sounds like "truth." But that is sort of like saying, "Satan, the Adversary of the stink from poop."


Sue me.


Why? That idea that Christianity "stole" Satin is just underground poppycock trying to incite anger. I've seen very type of language used in Neo-Nazi, KKK, and other cultist types. The Devil has been called by many names down through history.


Satan from the Pagans was named the "Horned One." I don't think that they actually called him Satan though. The "Horned One" was usually just called that, even though the Horned One had many names when he wasn't being the "Horned One." The Horned One was meant to depict the Great Stag, the symbol of New Life in the Spring. He was the male counter part of the Goddess.


There is not proof that Horus evolved into Satan either. Horus was the winged one. There is more proof that he went to Greece and become Zeus. In a sense, he is the only one of the five that survived the feud between the siblings.


The Sanskrit version of Satan couldn't have come the Hebrews by the time Satan showed up in the Bible. Alexandra the Great went to India in about 320B.C., and Satan was already in the Bible by then.


Satan has been a work in progress for some time. He first got his horns in about 1100 A.D, (hard to remember.) He got his cloven hooves at the same time. I forget where he got his pick fork.


I don't get what you were trying to say with the last part. Lucifer and Satan are the same thing...and god is a dick for the dickless.


Oh, I was just screwing with you. However, since you ask. Jesus and Lucifer are actually the same being. Satan is a myth, made to respect our fear and used, as you said, to scare small children.


Satan and Lucifer get confused as being the same being, but they are not. Lucifer is known as the "light bringer, the star of the morning, the Fallen Angel." You mentioned that Horus became Satan, but I've never found that connection. However, Horus did have connections to Lucifer. Many of the Arabic, Persian, and (I think) even the Muslims still use the name Lucifer as "light bringer" though I'm not really sure how they esteem the person and personality.


The WHOLE God story has really been lost from history, except for a few. Until very recently, it probably would have been completely lost.


Moses started the whole story. Before him, there wasn't any record of Adam and such. If it existed, it was verbal. Moses was rebel Egyptian Prince. He knew how to read, write, build, lead, use trances, see visions, etc, that Egyptian princes would have been educated in.


Moses took the Hebrew workers that he worked with and lead a rebellion against Ramses II. The sea levels were a little lower back then, and Moses knew about the tides and such and knew when the bearer reef in the Red Sea would appear, which allowed him escape.


Moses has all of Egyptian lore, rituals, history, and skills of a Egyptian priest. He knows about Isis, Osiris, Horus, etc. He has all of the religious experience. I don't really know where he got the story of Adam and Eve. He wrote the first 5 books of the Bible.


He used the symbol of the Serpent as the power that tempted Eve. In Egypt, the Serpent represents Female Wisdom. Basically "female wisdom" tempted Eve. Wow, imagine that.


Lucifer could have represented Horus, as I have found that. Horus the Winged One, feel from his high place to help humankind.


Later, Jesus claims that the "creator" is sort of a half retarded God that wasn't quite some what he was doing. He claims that it was HIS soul that tempted Eve.


Jesus was saving Man from the Creator.


The fallen angel, in almost history case is a great angel that fell from his exalted state to help humans in their plight.


Anyway, Satan is the "Devil" that is the Bogie Man. He represents all things that are nasty. He isn't real, but he is the symbol for the dumb.

Side: Christianity
2 points

Many of the opposing responses are disappointing at best. While some of the remarks are just plain juvenile, I notice a common bond. Most who support the idea of satanism simply enjoy antisocial behavior and the ensuing attention it generates. It is similar to the sensationalism of a shock jock on the radio who seeks only a reaction; yet many Satanic practicioners will profit only with short loved attention. This is evidenced by the lack of any organizational structure or platform of beliefs.

On the other hand, whether you subscribe to the beliefs of Christians or not, one can not argue with the facts that Christ was actually a man with recorded acts of good will. Also, despite many negative actions by a noisy fraction of Christians, the Christian doctrines teach love, acceptance, and acts of charity in order to spread its demise. In contrast, a unified theme in Satanism, besides antisocoal behavior, is self centered behavior.

I should also mention as further evidence of the overall Christian benifits, in the last 7 years, Christianity was the only religion with massive organized responses to major natural disasters across the globe, while the Christianity is an absolute minority among religious populations.

Side: Christianity
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
0 points

The reason you hear about these shock satanists is well, because that's what they're trying to do. Many satanists are actually in the closet do to speak and keep their thoughts to themselves. The satanist population could be far larger than we think but we don't know because not many scream it to the world.

I never said Christianity was just absolutely evil. It's obvious that yes Jesus did teach good things. What I'm saying is that there are many things that are NOT moral. Especially when its god involved. The end result of the stories are almost always about faith to god and not being good to other people. And these stories are alot of the time just absolutely immoral. For instance job: god is an asshole by letting Satan do all that shit. Then he gives him a new family which shows blatant disregard for human lives and emotions. The end teaching is have faith in god and he will reward you. Not necessarily a bad thing but it was told using a story that just threw the "god is love" theory out the window. I'm not saying the teachings are immoral (some are though like killing gays and witches) I'm saying the stories are horribly immoral and therfore god is.

I don't know where your getting your ideas that satanism is usually a selfish and antisocial thing. This is a very hasty generalization because like I said before, many perfectly normal people are satanists. I am also living proof that that is not true. I'm not an emo attention seeker who sits in corners and listens to sad rock. Im extremely social. I play sports and have many different friends. And as far as being selfish goes, I have over 45 hours of community service work inside and outside of the BSA. And just the other day I helped a teacher reorganize her room for an event I wasn't even part of. I'm not bragging here I'm just saying I am the total opposite of your desription of satanists.

Christianity has billions of followers. A minority, I hope you're joking. It's in the top 5 biggest religions. Thay have billions of dollars and the ability to send money and people to places like that. What your saying here is basically that satanists are bad because they dont do these things.

Well like you said it is not an organized religion. It is an individual religion and theres nothing wrong with that. But because of the small population of satanists of any kind and the lack of organization, they CAN'T do this.

That's like asking "yo satanists why don't you care? Why don't you help?" or "yo Wiccans..." . They're small religions and for the most part unorganized. They can't do the things Christianity can. And also they probably DID help. They're normal people so probably alot of them did donate to sandy relief or did donate to Newtown. I did. I can't send a thousand care packages though. I'm one person. And even if I got together with every satanist of any kind in the state we still couldn't do it. But it doesnt mean we don't care.

Side: Satanism
sabiduria(1) Disputed
2 points

I noticed you have used strong language to make your point. I certainly admire the passion with which you frame your argument. However, if the debate is entitled Satanism vs Christianity, then, from a purely academic standpoint, the results are interesting:

1. By your admission in your last dispute, Christianity is well organized religion with broad membership. Satanism is not as cited in your last post stating, "many Satanist keep their thoughts to themselves."

2. Christianity teaches a focus on subservience to a purpose larger than one's self. I noticed other posts by you which show Satanism is a "me-first"religion. Anything left over can help others... if you want.

3. Christianity, with only 33% of the world's religious population, is responsible for more philanthropic endeavors than all other religions or non-government charitable giving COMBINED. According to your post, Satanists may give, but we do not know.

4. Despite holding only 33% of the world's religious population, Christianity is the most well funded religion in the world. This is because Christian's are one of the most well educated and wealthy followers; or to put it another way, Christians are more successful and share more of that success than other religions. According to your post, Satanism is not organized and, therefore no concerted efforts is possible.

It is easy to see that, when the religions are compared head to head in a "Consumer Reports" style analysis, then Christianity wins hand down.

In your rebuttal, you also mention that many of the stories are not moral, but you cite a few passages out of context. In fact, all of the stories in the Bible result in a moral lesson. I understand, however, how this may seem when one interprets the religion literally. The good news is that, if taken literally, the lessons remain helpful.

To understand the argument, one must understand the fundamentals differences of Christian views. Those who have the ability to think more abstractly understand that, while the Bible has stories seem unsavory or impossible, Christians accept the images as fact while understanding there is an overall lesson. You mentioned Job and he was a great example of this. Job's story was elaborate and extreme to show that a Christian's faith in God will yield God's blessings in the end. Admittedly, many Christians do not have the capacity think abstractly and simply glean a lesson from these stories. From my experience, these are usually sweet people with simple minds who need the ability to absorb a lesson, but cannot understand imagery. As a result, your comment about disregard for human lives and emotions is mute and immaterial at best. It is equal to complaining about the treachery of the tortoise when he tricked the hare or to complain a tortoise cannot talk. Should let our kids learn that "slow and steady wins the race" or should we cry foul?

Understandably, thousands of years later we notice scientific flaws or criticize the text, but I think most agree the authors were well beyond their time.

Many Christians just are not capable of understanding the abstract view of God and must see Him as a grand puppeteer. It is important to note that Christians who are capable of thinking in more sophisticated terms understand God and more of an entity or a positive energy with intelligence. Simply put, Christian doctrine explains God as the embodiment of good. That is pretty much it! It is important to mention this, because your rebuttal complains that Christianity is centered around worshiping God. In that lens, if the Bible is moral imagery and the Christians believe that God is good, then it is Christianity must be inherently good. I must reiterate, the focus is on the premise of God's good will, not on the technical details the authors seemed to have missed a few thousand years ago.

So, from the Christian viewpoint, subservience to God is about believing in a greater good larger than yourself. It is serving the world, the universe, mankind, everything and everyone.

You must understand also the being Christians call "Satan" is basically the Kleenex of the religion. Other words used are "evil", "the enemy" or "the devil." The Bible talks about darkness, a serpent, and a fallen angel. Christian doctrine does not even describe anyone in particular. Job's story uses satan as an enemy of God, but one character in one story. The character could have been named "Bob." This is not the same satan that is referred to in other Christian rhetoric. Instead, this is a collective term. In another post you mentioned that Christians do not understand Satanism. That is because your Satan and our idea of an enemy, sometimes called "Satan" are not the same entity.

I was particularly puzzled in your rebuttal when you mentioned "I don't know where your getting your ideas that satanism is usually a selfish and antisocial thing." and you calling this a "hasty generalization". Meanwhile, you posted in this same debate that Satanism "preaches putting yourself and your priorities above others". Your post describing Satanism defines selfish and antisocial behavior. I do applaud you for your efforts and community service. (Incidentally, Christians are told to do good acts in secret. This helps keep a Christians' focus on his mission for good and not self promotion.) Christianity teaches that we must focus on the greater good and have Faith we will be provided for. This is a COMPLETELY selfless doctrine and, believe me when I say, it is beautiful to see people who have totally dedicated themselves to the greater good.

You hoped I was joking that Christianity is a minority. I was not. The fact is that Christians only account for 33% of religious believers. It may be one of the top 5 religions and it may dwarf Satanism in membership, but 33% is still not a majority. It is just a math thing, not a joke.

I can understand why a Satanist must enjoy this debate. A self serving religion is certainly threatened by putting other first or social welfare. I have read tenants of many other religions, including Satanism. I can see great qualities in all of them and some matters with which I do not agree. I can also understand how some people may question Christianity. However, if the debate is about adding up Christianity and Satanism in a head to head comparison, then the choice is clearly pro-Christianity. Just as some people still actually spend money on Blackberry phones, one cannot argue with a preference.

Side: Christianity
2 points

Neither! I am Messianically Jewish! .

Side: Christianity
2 points

I love Yeshua so Christianity it is. .

Side: Christianity
Stryker(849) Disputed
1 point

Have you ever actually presented an argument about anything?

Try reading the debate information next time, he isn't taking a vote:

Get some background before debating please.

Choose which you think is more:

Moral, Legit, Progressive, Logical, Worthwhile


Side: Satanism
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Fuck off. .

Side: Christianity
2 points

Look what Revelation 19:11-21 and Revelation 20:1-10 says. The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast

11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:

king of kings and lord of lords.

17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”

19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

The Thousand Years

20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.

4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They[a] had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

The Judgment of Satan

7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Doesnt this scare you satanists?? burning and suffering for eternity with no rest, hasnt Satan put you through enough hell in your lives?? Isnt it time to give Jesus Christ a chance, because He loves everyone, including you satanists. John 3:16-17 says "16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 "“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Doesnt that sound way better than following Satan who has no care for his followers??? Satan only needs followers to get to his goal, once he reaches that goal(God will never allow this to happen), his followers will be no use to him anymore. satan is using you, he does not love you and he hates you.

Side: Christianity
2 points

I believe the Bible makes it clear that there are only two choices. God or Satan. I choose God because HE loves me and everyone else on the planet. HE died for everyone here. HE rose again and is sitting at God's right hand :D

Side: Christianity
2 points

God created Lucifer , therefore God is more powerful than the devil. you satanists want to please your lusts because you guys are selfish like the devil himself and Can't handle the truth.

Side: Christianity

there is nothing progressive or good about Satanism. the CoS is an evil group of thugs. most of them are fallen Christians who for some reason became angry with God, so they are like little petulant children playing dress-up and trying to thumb their nose at him like a little kid who is sent to his room and flips off his Dad behind closed doors.

Satanism will kill you and following the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and using them to help others and Know God can Save you. So there is really no comparison here.

I am Demon Hunter.

Side: Christianity
2 points

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Side: Christianity
1 point

Loveeildren nothing wrong in principle with the philosophy of Satanism that says we ought to pursue pleasure (or, for that matter, self-interest). I would go so far as to say that we can agree with the Satanist that it is natural (which is to say, it is part of our nature) to pursue pleasure. The problem is that the Satanist draws the line of what is permissible in the wrong place or draws no line at all. Christians are not obligated to defend the notion that humans exist only to deny ourselves all pleasure; indeed, it is just the opposite: we exist for the experience of pleasure. Perhaps pleasure is a misleading term. Philosophers like Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas used the term happiness, .33 Christian thinker, C. S. Lewis used the term joy.34

The problem is not that we as humans seek our own pleasure, happiness, or joy. The problem is that we as sinners look for it in the wrong places. Consider this analogy: Children always seek to eat only what tastes good to them. We, as adults, regret this in children and seek to wean them of this tendency. It is not that we adults think that eating should not include things that taste good. It is that we know that not everything that tastes good is good or is even food in the first place. Children’s understanding of nutrition and their tastes are not developed, however; therefore, they invariably resist eating what is good for them and desire what is not good for them or is even harmful. If children ate according to the philosophy of Satanism, then they would never deny themselves whatever tastes good regardless whether it has any nutritional value, like cotton candy, or, worse, they would eat something that tastes good but is poison. They also would refuse to eat what is good for them, all the while mocking and ridiculing those who did so eat.

If we think of eating as an analogy of living one’s life, and good and bad tastes as an analogy of pleasures and pains, then perhaps we can see that what we as humans need to learn is to recognize and appreciate what actually is good for us. Perhaps what we, like children, need is for our understanding and tastes to develop so that we learn to love what is good for us. What the Christian understands but the Satanist does not is that there is something wrong with us. We fallen humans too often find pleasure in what is not in our best interest or is evil. The problem, however, is not the experience of pleasure itself. The problem is in us: we choose the wrong things to satisfy our desire for pleasure. What we need is somehow to come to love the taste of what is intrinsically good and what is in our ultimate best interest.35 This is where God comes in. We need to “taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!PS(Ps. 34:8).

What we need to help the Satanist see is that the pleasures of life that he (or she) so desperately seek are found ultimately only in his Creator.36 We are created to know God and “enjoy Him forever,” as the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms say. Convincing a Satanist of this is, of course, not necessarily an easy task. If no one can see his need for God apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, then this is especially the case with the Satanist. In addition, getting the Satanist to see the truth of Psalm 16:11 — “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore — also requires getting him to see a host of other truths, such as the fact that there are a God and an afterlife. This means that we must be prepared to defend the truths of the Christian faith and show that not only experience but also reason demonstrate the reality of the God of the Bible, the truthfulness of His word, and the meaning of the historical life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Satanist may come to see that his own pursuit of pleasure is, in reality, a rebellion against the God who made him, for which he needs to be forgiven. Then the stage will be set for him to be delivered “from the power of darkness and conveyed into the kingdom of the Son of His love” (Col. 1:13). This is what the Satanist needs. This is indeed what we all need.

Side: Christianity