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LoveU's Reward Points: 338

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate Would you lie to save a friend?
3 Added Argument Death Penalty Gets Killed in CT
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Do you have ties to abortion if you vote for the Democrat Party?
1 Added Argument science vs mathematics.
1 Added Argument Should Christians keep the Sabbath?
2 Added Argument Something should be done to stop discrimination against minorities.
2 Added Argument Something should be done to stop discrimination against minorities.
2 Added Argument Thought experiment on killing
1 Added Argument Should people use the word "Gay" as a derogatory adjective?
1 Added Argument Kumakain ka ng balut?
6 Added Argument The liars and abusive guys here always play victim why?
1 Created Debate Nararapat lamang ba na mawala ang parusang kamatayan sa korte?
10 Added Argument Papaano maiiwasan ng sistemang kapitalismo ang problema sa kakapusan?
2 Added Argument Is religious liberty a right?
2 Added Argument This site should be renamed CreatedebateAmerica.
1 Added Argument Taking away assault weapons.
0 Created Debate Korupt ba ang mga namumuno (barangay captain etc) sa Pilipinas?
10 Added Argument Can having a certain belief be morally right or wrong?
3 Added Argument Can having a certain belief be morally right or wrong?
1 Added Argument Saved by what?
1 Added Argument Saved by what?
2 Added Argument Should the death penalty be used as punishment for specific crimes?
10 Added Argument Should the death penalty be used as punishment for specific crimes?

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