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OmegaPan's Reward Points: 710

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument The outlaw vs. the excon
-1 Downvoted Argument Is this treason, collusion or both?
1 Added Argument Do you remember the days when Democrats weren't anti Christian bigots?
1 Added Argument Does flood of unvetted migrants correlate to measles mumps outbreak
1 Added Argument Should drug dealers just rat out their competition to the cops?
5 Created Debate Is this treason, collusion or both?
1 Added Argument Should drug dealers just rat out their competition to the cops?
0 Created Debate Burritolunch's zoo debate was so stupid & thoroughly debunked that he deleted it
5 Created Debate Should drug dealers just rat out their competition to the cops?
0 Created Debate Should drug dealers just rat out their competition to the cops?
1 Added Argument Go and see the movie Unplanned. Abby Johnson worked in the Planned P. abortion trade.
-1 Downvoted Argument Does NOT exhonerated mean TOTALLY exhonerated???

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