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RSS AdaLovelace

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Islam is a religion of peace that has been mutilated beyond belief by crazy terrorists that don't understand the meaning of life and love. they twist true what the Korran was really trying to say to justify the evil acts they are doing. It's just wrong. But I'm not a religious person so perhaps I'm not the best person to judge. I'll stick to evolution.

1 point

Ummmmmm Big Bang? Ever heard if it? And Btw the universe didn't just happen instantly it evolved over 11 billion years. Can you imagine that amount of time? Just think about it at first it's seems an easy concept but in reality it is quite complex. And no Creation does not mean the is a creator that means there is a method that created the "it" and whether or not it is your non existent God isn't going to be proved with your idiotic paragraph the I am reading right now. How does it make sense to believe in an invisible not very helpful floaty being that we can't prove exists? But you know what? you can go live in lala land with the rest of the creationists etc and I'm gonna go back to reality which your God is helping to fix. You just got schooled bye an eleven year old. Enjoy.

1 point

That's an excellent point let me expand on it. Imagine you have just had your first child and named her Thea. She is the love of your life. You would never let any harm come to her and will always be there for her. But then she lies to you. You would obviously forgive her right? A small punishment like a time out or a spanking right? You would do what every normal parent does. But then she steals from you. And then she starts hurting you physically. But you still love her. Any parent would still love there child no matter what. But you could NEVER EVER send your daughter to a place where she would be eternally punished and forgotten. Think about it. That's exactly what your so called benevolent Christian God does on a much larger scale. I, for one, will stick to evolution thank you very much. But hey don't listen to the eleven year old debater; go live in lala land where you belong.

1 point

You cannot have a neutral God and it specifically says in the Bible more a hundred times that God is Good. It also says at least once that God is Evil. But I'm not saying I agree with the "God is Good" thing though. If anything he (if a God even exists) is Evil because how can a omnipotent, benevolent sit back and relax when ISIS and other terrorist groups are killing human beings. Or how can he watch children starve to death. Or not wave his magical wand hand and cure Ebola. If he is able to do anything then why hasn't he done something? Heck, why would a perfect God create sinful humans give them a temptation he knows they will give into then punish them with eternal suffering and death?! If you ask me, I don't even think religion should exist anymore. We are far to advanced to believe in sea monsters and witches so why do people still believe that there is a magical being that's gonna kiss all our boo boos for us and tells us to behave so we can go to heaven. But hey don't listen to the crazed eleven year old girl who considers herself a debater. Go down LaLa land road and live life your way. Enjoy.

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