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Reward Points:48
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

We have more important things to do than to make clones like trying to extract water from Mars, landing on Mars, stopping global warming and try to find new solutions to cure cancer including colorectal cancer, the number 1 cancer in Singapore. It is more important than cloning a useless bunch of living things.

1 point

The game uses the portal of power to play it and it is very fun to play. A lot of gamers play it and they said its the best game they ever played.

1 point

We're talking about video games or computer games such as minecraft and world of warcraft 2, not chess or monopoly games, which are board games.

1 point

He has been kidnapped by his duplicates or lollols as they did not go to Europe with him and they also stole a priceless antique from him.

1 point

It should be called The Red Bird of Normality and Main Character. Its very normal.

1 point

Macs are the most useful things in the world. I use one when im studying as i need it for school.

1 point

Basically, all the Skylanders are good in all ways but if I had to choose, I'd choose either Stealth Elf or Flameslinger as they are fast and have good attacks. They also are very useful in Heroic Challenges and their Soul Gem powers are very effective and powerful.

1 point

ok. lets say i don't know that anyway. by the way... you said you were irish! then tell me how is the war between ireland and northen ireland.

1 point

It is REAL! I'm the creator of this debate and I say so. But lets consider that it is in a joker's point of view...

1 point

Alcoholism and drug use is like a disease that threatens you for life and you cannot control it.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Assassin's Creed III
Winning Position: Other games ( Please notify )
Winning Position: Which is your favourite Skylander?
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Yes, we should stop
Winning Position: Badminton
Winning Position: Which plant from the game Plants VS Zombies is the most powerful?

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Ethan Lim
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Singapore
Religion: Buddhist
Education: High School

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